CUBE Kid 200 pink'n'white'n'blue Girl's Bike
This is my daughter's bike that she has had for the last 18 months. The bike is in great condition with the exception of one or two scratches on the top tube and some scuffing on the seat. This bike retails for around Ā£300 new. It has been a great bike and still has a few years life in it yet. Wheel size is 20 inches so this would be suitable for a child of around 6-9 years old. "As they get older, children venture further. Besides riding the safe sidewalks children soon start to explore their environment, attempting to ride their first paths and trails. To make that phase as fun as possible the Cube 200 has an easy to use 7-speed drive train and rim brakes front and rear. While being perfectly suited for everyday use, the Cube 200 is also the gateway to the first offroad experiences of our little ones. Frame The heat treated aluminium frame has the quality and strength of a real mountain bike but is still very light. Since mishaps can happen when riding, the derailleur hanger is replaceable. In true MTB fashion, the frame features V-brakes front and rear. Components Virtually a true mountain bike. The Shimano 7-speed shifting with Revo twist shifter is easy to use, so that the correct gear is quickly found. For when the road turns uphill steeply, the system features a climbing friendly 34t sprocket to help. The V-brakes offer ample stopping power for first trail riding adventures and are activated by levers specifically sized for children's hands. To keep the bike from going into an unwanted nose-wheelie the front brake features a special power modulator unit." Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit