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Her I have bichon frises cross cocker spaniel pups for sale. They are 11 weeks old with their first injection.
We have a wonderful 16 week old fully vaccinated wormed flead and microchipped girl for sale completely white with a roughly coat. we bred her but came back to us due to her old owners due to family circumstances. If you can give her a good home please contact me thanks
Gorgeous breed cute non yappy non malting little dogs girls boys mum and dad can be seen.fabulous personalities easy going easy keep make u smile.
Gorgeous 10 week old Golden Cocker Spaniel comes micro chipped and both vaccinations.
a fantastic litter of cockerchons.(cocker spaniel x bichon frise) males and female available. born 27th may . sold having been vet checked and now FULLY VACCINATED and microchipped.
three cocker spaniel x bichon frise (cockerchon) for sale. two males available and one female. one black and white male and one blue roan male and one white and tan female. view these beauties on video by clicking on the "visit website" link. they have been vet checked and are FULLY VACCINATED and microchipped.
an outstanding litter of cocker spaniel x bichon frise pups for sale. view these pups on video by clicking on the "visit website" link. ready from thursday 7th july . males and females available. they have been vet checked and have received first vaccination. also microchipped and flead and wormed to date. come with four weeks free insurance.
a fantastic litter of cockerchons.(cocker spaniel x bichon frise) males and female available. born 27th may . sold having been vet checked and having received first vaccination and microchipped.
an outstanding litter of cocker spaniel x bichon frise pups for sale. ready from thursday 7th july . males and females available. they have been vet checked and have received first vaccination. also microchipped and flead and wormed to date. come with four weeks free insurance.
three cocker spaniel x bichon frise (cockerchon) for sale. two males available. one black and white male and one blue roan male. view these beauties on video by clicking on the "visit website" link. they have been vet checked and are FULLY VACCINATED and microchipped.
2 girl adorable cockerchon puppies mam is an adorable placid golden cocker spaniel dad is a kc reg all white bison frise ideal puppies for allergy sufferers as there is minimal moulting puppies are fully wormed and will be microchipped will be ready to leave 17th july a £50 deposit will secure your puppy
Cockerchons home reared puppies both parents here for you to meet mom is a Bichon Frise dad is a cocker spaniel both have excellent temprements which you will see when you meet them the pups have had there microchips done and are wormed to date they are ready to go to there new loving homes they would make ideal family pets or nice little companions you are welcome to come and view without obligation the pups are happy healthy there tails always waging call for more information thank you
Cockerchon puppies home reared wormed deflead eating well happy healthy pups both parents are here for you to meet they both have excellent temperaments dad is a cocker spaniel mom is a Bichon Frise both pedigree dogs we will be keeping one of the pups so are looking for kind loving homes for the others the pups will be non shedding so would be suitable for people with allergies
Cockerchon pups home reared healthy happy babies dad is a cocker spaniel mom is a Bichon Frise both pedigree and are both here for you to meet they have excellent temprements we will be keeping one of the pups so are looking for kind loving homes for the others if you have the time and love to give one of the babies call for more details the pups will be non shedding so are suitable for people with allergies
a fantastic litter of cockachons for sale. view these pups on video by clicking on the "visit website" link. cocker spaniel x bichon frise. three blue roan males and one blue roan female. sold having been vet checked and having received first vaccination. also microchipped.
a fantastic litter of cockachons for sale. cocker spaniel x bichon frise. three blue roan males and one blue roan female. sold having been vet checked and having received first vaccination. also microchipped.
Healthy fluffy white Bichon's ready now. Wormed, fleed and microchipped. Boys & girls, prices from.......
White fluffy Bichon Freise and Cavashon pup's for sale 1 special little boy enquire for further details. Boys and girls all microchipped wormed and flead. Ready now.
Stunning litter if 5 healthy chunky bouncy puppies. Will be ready to go to forever homes in approximately 4/5 weeks. both parent's friendly family pets and can be seen. For viewings please contact me. Females £500 Males £450.
6 male bichon frises left, ready to leave 12th November, £450 each, £50 deposit will secure pup, both parents can be seen
Delightfull litter of 5 puppies all healthy. 3 females & 2 males. Available to view now. Ready to go to there forever new homes in approx three weeks.
Gorgeous puppies 3weeks old only 3left both parents can be seen
We have two female and male bichon frises puppies. All have been frontlined, microchipped, wormed, vet checked with first injection given. Ready to find forever homes now.
Re advertising due to unforeseen circumstances. Our last beautiful white ball of fluff is re available as of today. She was purchased with a view of being collected Friday but a change in circumstances have arisen. Our Bichon is fully wormed & microchipped very loving and friendly. She is a non molting breed absolutely stunning. Both parents are super friendly excellent with children and available to see. Answer phone available (please leave a contact telephone number)
Bicon Frise pedigree Puppies fluffy non moulting Suitable for people who suffer from allergies Adorable family pets or ideal companions with there kind loving nature Boys and girls who may be viewed with there mum at any time They have been vaccinated wormed and are ready to leave for there forever homes with four weeks petplan insurance feeding guide food and puppy training pads Please call if you have an further questions or you would like to arrange a viewing