Belgium, - Collection, with repetitions.
Large collection of stamps in good condition, catalogued according to Michel, but needs re-cataloguing according to COB, due to the presence of many specialisations (not reported - to be discovered). Excellent first period - Complete (except Michel 9) - Many repetitions in the Michel 1/16 series. One Michel 3 with partial letter filigree, and a beautiful Michel 5 with horse filigree. Many good specimens in the Leopoldo II period, also *, of which Michel x3 and I and III.Many interesting specimens in the period, also *, few complete series, but many end series values.Small representation of services, occupations and colonies (One Belgian Congo Scott 9 MLH reported).Large accumulation of ordinary stamps (for studying and classifying) from the s and fair commemorative stamps post-.Michel catalogue value: € approx. Read More