Beauty room and nail bar to rent in Keighley salon in
Hi, I am <strong>rentstrong><strong>instrong>g a nail bar and large treatment <strong>roomstrong> full or part time. The salon is on a ma<strong>instrong>,busy road with park<strong>instrong>g, just out of the centre of Keighley. The salon is newly furnished and decorated and offers equipment <strong>instrong>clud<strong>instrong>g s<strong>tostrong>rage and electric treatment bed. The <strong>roomstrong> <strong>instrong>cludes wifi, good light<strong>instrong>g, shared reception, salon phone and 6 weekly deep clean<strong>instrong>g. The hairdress<strong>instrong>g side of the salon bus<strong>instrong>ess is well established and will offer new cus<strong>tostrong>m <strong>tostrong> an exist<strong>instrong>g bus<strong>instrong>ess or brand new one. Rates and available view<strong>instrong>gs are flexible and negotiable.