Beautiful Bengal Kittens Tica registered - enviable pedigree
Tica registered Bengal kittens, brown rosetted. 2 girls and 1 boy with fabulous pedigrees. We are hobby breeders registered with TICA. This litter was born on the 15th June, the kittens are currently 6 weeks old and will be ready for their new homes at 13 weeks. (Which is the 14th September). We chose our stud cats very carefully not only for their breeding, which we chose from lines that were successful and not over produced but who also showed wonderful temperaments. Both mum and dad are affectionate, loving cats. Mum is a clouded brown rosetted Bengal, with 5 champions in her pedigree. Dad is a super softy purr bag of a cat and comes from the wonderful Shimmershine line, again with champions. Both parents have been screened for HCM and have clear certificates we have also had them DNA tested for PKD, blood type and PRA all which was normal. These cats make wonderful loving, intelligent, attentive, interactive pets and love water too. Mum gets in the shower with me! The kittens will have been seen by the vet 3 times, had full annual vaccinations and vet health checks. They will be microchipped with a free of charge new owner transfer, and come with some of their food and 4 weeks insurance. Delivery can also be arranged. If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us, we shall look forward to hearing from you. Price quoted is for pet price. Pictures do not do them any justice as a photographer I am not but more pictures are available on request. Many thanks Read More