Beautiful staffie cross puppies looking for their forever
I have 6 beautiful staffie cross puppies that are looking for there forever homes. 3 boys & 3 girls. Both parents can be seen as they are both my dogs. Both parents have amazing temperaments and fantastic nature. Dad is a staffie and mum is a staffie cross pattendale. They have been reared indoors with myself, my partner, children and have had many cuddles from grandchildren. They were a litter of 8 and I have 6 left for sale. They will of had there 1st vaccination 2nd will be paid for and be microchipped flea and wormed. They will be ready w/c 21st Nov. Viewings welcome will be seen with both mum and dad. A £100 deposit secures your puppy this is non refundable. Remaining balance on the day of collection.