Beautiful KC pedigree pug puppies in Llanelli
We have the most cutest pedigree pug puppies, they are absolutely adorable and now their little characters are coming through. We have a litter of 4,(3 are already reserved) 1 male is available. They are Kennel club registered, 5 generations ped papers, they have been wormed from 2 weeks old and will continue every 2 weeks until they leave, they will have 5 weeks free insurance, 1st vaccinations and health checked again by our vet, microchipped, de-flead as a precaution and leave with a puppy pack.. Mum is our beautiful family pet and has the most amazing temperament, dad is a stunner as you can see them both in the photos. Both have many champions in their bloodlines. These stunning babies are socialized with our other pet dogs and handled/cuddled/played with by our family and young children. males is £900