beautiful green check conure in newham

green check conure

green check conure

4 months old, friendly but can bites if something doesn't like him. i don't know what is the gender but his name's is charlie, he likes 24 hours his cage open. i sell him for health problems and i can't care him. i sell with the cage and his toys. Ad ID:

cinnamon conure in Newham

cinnamon conure in Newham

Hi there I have beautiful cinnamon conure for sale very healthy and active just 4 to 5 months old sami tame no cage please contact me for more details thanks

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Beautiful green cheeked conure babies

Beautiful green cheeked conure babies

These babies are 7 weeks old please message me for full details they will be ready at 12 wks and silly hand tame babies will come with care sheet and my phone number so you can call with any questions or problems Please think before you buy a life these are very intelligent emotional creatures who will fall in love with you and your family and will give you years of fun n laughter Read More

Breading pair of stunning conure in Newham

Breading pair of stunning conure in Newham

Hi i have afew pairs of conure to go they are very high quality breaders and are due to go down in the next month or so for there second clutches yellow sidded and gc pairs 250 a pair

Related products beautiful green check conure in newham: Breading pair of stunning conure in Newham
hand reared super tame conure in Newham

hand reared super tame conure in Newham

hi i have conures for sale they are extremely tame and love cuddles they are very friendly with kids and other animals and love attention, they come with their certifications and are also have closed rings, I have a variety of colours the price is ranged from please call me for further details on

Baby conure stunning!! very tame in Newham

Baby conure stunning!! very tame in Newham

we have this stunning baby looking for a loving and caring home. Ideal for children and pet loving families. call if interested.

Related products beautiful green check conure in newham: Baby conure stunning!! very tame in Newham
Fully handreared super tamed sun conure in Newham

Fully handreared super tamed sun conure in Newham

Hi there I have beautiful sun conure for sale A closed ring very healthy and active just 15 weeks old fully handreared super tamed male and female please contact me for more info thanks

spoon feed maroon belly conure babies in Newham

spoon feed maroon belly conure babies in Newham

hi j have beautiful babies maroon belly conure for sale very lovely colours spoon feed from 2 weeks old fully tamed please call me for more info thank

Related products beautiful green check conure in newham: spoon feed maroon belly conure babies in Newham
fully handreadred super tamed nanday conure in Newham

fully handreadred super tamed nanday conure in Newham

hi there I have beautiful nanday conure for sale very healthy and active just 15 week old fully handreared super tamed I don't know gender please contact me for more details thanks

fully handredred yellow sided conure baby in Newham

fully handredred yellow sided conure baby in Newham

hi i have beautiful yellow sided conure baby for sale A closed ring very lovely colour spoon feed from two week old super tamed ready for new home please call me for more info thanks

Related products beautiful green check conure in newham: fully handredred yellow sided conure baby in Newham


hi there I have beautiful sun conure for sale A closed rung very healthy and active just 13 weeks old fully handreared super tamed right time to teach and train as you want please contact me for more details thanks NOTE NO CAGE

fully hand tamed maroon belly conure in Newham

fully hand tamed maroon belly conure in Newham

hi there I have beautiful maroon belly conure for sale A closed rung very healthy and active just 12 week old fully tamed right time to teach and train as you want

Related products beautiful green check conure in newham: fully hand tamed maroon belly conure in Newham
FULLY HANDREARED SUPER TAMED Aqua blue conure in Newham

FULLY HANDREARED SUPER TAMED Aqua blue conure in Newham

hi there I have beautiful aqua blue conure for sale very healthy and active fully handreared super tamed right time to teach and train as you want

super tame baby pineapple conure for sale in Newham

super tame baby pineapple conure for sale in Newham

very sad sale unfortunately i am having to let go of my baby peachy she is extremely friendly with both male and females extremely intelligent for her age as she can already say her own name she is only 5 and half months old and is ready to find a forever loving home please call me on open to cash only offers nothing silly thank you

Related products beautiful green check conure in newham: super tame baby pineapple conure for sale in Newham
Fully handreared super tamed sun conure female in Newham

Fully handreared super tamed sun conure female in Newham

Hi there I have beautiful sun conure for sale very healthy and active just 21 weeks old fully handreared super tamed comes with DNA paper please contact me for more info thanks



hi there I have beautiful maroon belly conure for sale A closed rung very healthy and active just 8 weeks old fully handreared super tamed right time to teach and train as you want please contact me for more details thanks

Related products beautiful green check conure in newham: FULLY HANDREARED SUPER TAMED MAROON BELLY CONURE in Newham
Fully handreared super tamed sun conure baby in Newham

Fully handreared super tamed sun conure baby in Newham

Hi there I have beautiful sun conure baby for sale A closed ring very healthy and active just 12 weeks old fully handreared super tamed comes with DNA certificate male and female available please contact me for more info thanks

Fully handreared super tamed sun conure babies in Newham

Fully handreared super tamed sun conure babies in Newham

Hi there I have beautiful sun conure for sale very healthy and active just 10 weeks old fully handreared super tamed right time to teach and train as you want comes with DNA paper A closed ring please contact me for more info thanks

Related products beautiful green check conure in newham: Fully handreared super tamed sun conure babies in Newham
Rainbow - My Stunning Tame Hand Reared Baby Conure in Newham

Rainbow - My Stunning Tame Hand Reared Baby Conure in Newham

Hi I am selling my baby conure, Rainbow. She is 5 months old, hand reared and super friendly with both humans and other pets. It is a very heartbreaking sale however I must as I am moving out for university. Id love for her to go to a loving and caring home. if you have any questions, don't hesitate to call on

Green Cheek Conure in Reading

Green Cheek Conure in Reading

Beautiful Green Cheek Conure likes being out of the cage and will take food from your hand. It just needs more time to be fully tamed but it is still young is the good time. It is really a lovely bird and great to have in the house.

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Green cheek Conure in Gillingham

Green cheek Conure in Gillingham

We have a beautiful conure that we need to find a new forever home. We have just recently had a baby and as hard as we have tried to include our bird Ziggy, he just hasn't accepted the baby, and makes a lot of noise to wake her up. With the right new owner I know Ziggy will be happy and get all the time and attention he deserves. We also can't have him out his cage with out risk he will attempt to bite out baby. Ziggy is still only a baby himself (we are not sure if he is male) the breeder we brought him from supplied a hatch certificate and a care sheet, which we have but it was sent electronically and can be forwarded on to the new owner. Ziggys hatch date is and has been hand tamed and some one who can dedicate some time to Ziggy will have a great loving pet. Ziggys cage and toys will be included in the price. will sell Ziggy with out his cage and toys, the price is £200.

Green cheek conure in Cardiff

Green cheek conure in Cardiff

He/she is very friendly, is out of cage all day,if I am home, loves to cwtch into neck while watching TV, I work all day so unable to give him the time he desperately needs, he loves all the attention. Comes with cage, he's about 2yrs old

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Green cheeked conure in Havant

Green cheeked conure in Havant

This is Rocco my green cheeked conure he is still quite young at 8 months nearly 9. He is getting their on becoming tame but prefers to stay on his cage unless he wants a hug. He has just started to talk saying Rocco pretty boy and tickle tickle. I am selling due to the fact I am working and don't have the time for his needs any more. He is also clipped so can't fly loads. Bit of time and effort he will be amazing for who ever buys him. He does come with toys and food dishes and his brand new cage worth over 100 pounds please no time wasters or offers thanks.

Green cheek conure in Bradford

Green cheek conure in Bradford

Semi-tame. 6 month. Conure. Was told its female.

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Green Conure and cage in Swansea

Green Conure and cage in Swansea

Olly is my Green Conure, he's about 5 years old. He has never been handled and he is a noisy bird, after saying that he's still adorable. I'm selling him as I'm hardly home any more and he does need company. He was sexed when I bought him but I can't find paperwork.
