Dyson DC33 - Try before you buy - £40 - All Bits Included FULLY working
Dyson DC33 - fully working condong>itong>ion for £ong>40ong>. ong>Tryong> ong>beforeong> ong>youong> ong>buyong>! All accessories that comes wong>itong>h thong>isong> lovely vacuum are included. ong>Itong> ong>isong> just over 3 years old, and we have bought a new one so ong>itong>s ong>noong>t needed. I have seen much older version of Dyson sell for £45 plus so thong>isong> ong>isong> a very good ong>priceong>. Plus unlike car boot sale ong>youong> can actually see ong>itong> working ong>beforeong> ong>youong> put hand in ong>youong>r pocket! Please call if ong>youong> intend to collect ong>itong>. I can deliver for £10 in West Yorkshire if I am going ong>youong>r way! Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credong>itong>