Barnes & Noble NOOK HD+ 16GB, Wi-Fi, 9in - Slate in Stoke On
ong>Nookong> ong>HDong>+ for sale. ong>Inong> excellent condition - comes ong>inong> origong>inong>al packagong>inong>g and ong>inong>cludes chargong>inong>g cable, manual and one spare screen protector. These tablets are not the most powerful out there ong>inong> terms of processong>inong>g power, but are more than ok for surong>fiong>ng the net and social media. Where they truly excel however, is as e-readers due to the exceptional quality full ong>hdong> screen. The ong>Barnesong> and ong>Nobleong> tablets run on a modiong>fiong>ed version of Android which is fully google playstore compliant (unlike amazon tablets) and I can conong>fiong>rm that I have never had an issue ong>inong> downloadong>inong>g and ong>inong>stallong>inong>g any of my apps from the playstore. The tablet occasionally freezes and requires a reboot - but iv never known a tablet that doesn't!!! For completeness there is a fractional scratch on the back of the tablet, but is that small, photographs do not show it. Tablet has 16 gig ong>inong>ternal memory and a micro sd slot for extra storage (I have had a 32 gig card ong>inong> ong>wiong>th no problems). Note - serial numbers have been recorded from both tablet and packagong>inong>g (see pic) Thanks for lookong>inong>g