baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury

Baby green Indian ringneck tame in Durham

Baby green Indian ringneck tame in Durham

Baby green ringneck 5 months old Tame + mimc few sounds Perfect family pet Can deliver Cage avilble £85 no offer Email Or call for more info

Tame baby lutino Indian ringneck in Nottingham

Tame baby lutino Indian ringneck in Nottingham

4 months old lutino Indian ringneck it's very tame will step up on your hands it will let you tickle and stroke it also good around kids don't know if it's male or female yet has its to young collection Nottingham can deliver around uk for extra cost cage sold separately for more information inbox me

Related products baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury: Tame baby lutino Indian ringneck in Nottingham
Blue Baby tame Indian ringneck in Liverpool

Blue Baby tame Indian ringneck in Liverpool

Silly tame baby half hand feed /half parent feed. But they are silly tame. Step up/ kiss/ cuddl all day long. Kids friendly.....) Best age for tech to for more information. Can Deliver. £135 ovno each with out cage

EXTREMELY tame baby Indian ringneck in Liverpool

EXTREMELY tame baby Indian ringneck in Liverpool

Green Indian ringneck tame baby. This bird will be excellent talker. Ringneck known to have a vocabulary of more than £250 words. Live up to 25 years. 3 months old love kids and frindly with other pets and dose not bite.can Deliver cage available please call/email/text for more information £80 price with out cage.

Related products baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury: EXTREMELY tame baby Indian ringneck in Liverpool
EXTREMELY tame baby Indian ringneck in Liverpool

EXTREMELY tame baby Indian ringneck in Liverpool

Green Indian ringneck tame baby. This bird will be excellent talker. Ringneck known to have a vocabulary of more than £250 words. Live up to 25 years. 3 months old love kids and frindly with other pets and dose not bite.can Deliver cage available please call/email/text for more information £80 price with out cage.

Baby green Indian ringneck tame in Durham

Baby green Indian ringneck tame in Durham

Baby green ringneck 5 months old Tame + mimc few sounds Perfect family pet Can deliver Cage avilble £85 no offer Email Or call for more info

Related products baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury: Baby green Indian ringneck tame in Durham
cuddly tame baby green Indian ringneck in Derby

cuddly tame baby green Indian ringneck in Derby

green Indian ringneck born approx 5 months old it's very friendly will step up on your hands it will let you tickle and stroke it also good around kids don't know if male or female yet has its to young collection Nottingham can deliver around uk for extra cost cage sold separately for more information inbox me

super tame baby Indian green ringneck in Nottingham

super tame baby Indian green ringneck in Nottingham

5 months old green Indian ringneck it's very tame will step up on your hands it will let you tickle and stroke it also good around kids don't know if male or female yet has its to young collection Nottingham can deliver around uk for extra cost cage sold separately for more information inbox me

Related products baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury: super tame baby Indian green ringneck in Nottingham
tame and friendly baby green Indian ringneck in Nottingham

tame and friendly baby green Indian ringneck in Nottingham

baby green Indian ringneck born very friendly will step up to your hands let's you tickle, stroke it don't know if it's female or male yet has its to young please call to arrange viewing also can arrange delivery cage sold separately

Indian ringneck (Tame) in Nottingham

Indian ringneck (Tame) in Nottingham

This is a Indian ringneck which is 5 months old and is tame. He loves to be out of his cage and sit with his owner all day. He loves to be tickled and played around with. Cages sold separately

Related products baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury: Indian ringneck (Tame) in Nottingham
Female Ringneck, tame and talking

Female Ringneck, tame and talking

Her name is Gucci. She’s is 3 yrs old and is tame and talking. She likes to sit on your shoulder and be carried around. She will join you for dinner st the table. She can say Gucc Bye Gucci Peek a boo What you doing Pretty Birdie Tickle Tickle 1-2-3 Hey Hey She will eat anything and loves fruit and veg She isn’t clipped but makes no attempt to fly out the window or doors. Comes with cage and toys She healthy and adorable Read more

Tame blue Indian ringneck in Nottingham

Tame blue Indian ringneck in Nottingham

Blue Indian ringneck its about 2 years old steps up on your hand let's you tickle it. The bird is in good health and the feathers are excellent condition comes with cage can deliver around uk for fuel cost collection Nottingham

Related products baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury: Tame blue Indian ringneck in Nottingham
Talking Indian ringneck male

Talking Indian ringneck male

Timmy talks constantly and is a beautiful violet ringneck, he is 2 years old and very clever, you can see him on you tube under Timmy good boy, he was a year old then and his vocabulary has greatly improved. Read More

Talking Indian ringneck male

Talking Indian ringneck male

Timmy talks constantly and is a beautiful violet ringneck, he is 2 years old and very clever, you can see him on you tube under Timmy good boy, he was a year old then and his vocabulary has greatly improved. He laughs, barks and picks up whole sentences and words very quickly ! His speech is incredibly clear he is exceptional. Read More

Related products baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury: Talking Indian ringneck male
Tame grey Indian ringneck for sale in Nottingham

Tame grey Indian ringneck for sale in Nottingham

I am for sale my Indian ringneck. Is close runged with a grey band for birth. Hand reared and very tame. Very comfortable with my hands, steps up with ease, flies to my shoulder whenever she feels like it. £170 ono without cage.

Hand tame blue indian ringneck in Waltham Abbey

Hand tame blue indian ringneck in Waltham Abbey

Blu is coming up to a year and is having his first moult so looks a bit scruffy in the pics. He is very friendly and sociable and loves spending time with you. Has started babbling so not too long until he tries to talk. I took him on from a young girl who didn't have time for him anymore but since having him my husbands asthma has got so bad he is now on stronger medication so unfortunately Blu is looking for another home with someone who has no allergies. He will come with all his toys and cage. Left over food etc. More pics on request.

Related products baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury: Hand tame blue indian ringneck in Waltham Abbey
indian ringneck silver grey male tame in Bradford

indian ringneck silver grey male tame in Bradford

indian ringneck parakeet male tame 8 years old collect from Bradford 3 NO OFFERS SO DONT BOTHER PLZ NO CAGE IN SALE wont answer to mail only call delivery possible England and wales £55 Scotland £70

Very rare talking Indian ringneck

Very rare talking Indian ringneck

Male Indian Ringneck Yellow head Abit of yellow & green feathers Semi tame Says hello What you doing Eats from hand Step ups sometimes Only 5 months old Comes with cage £190 Ono Call after 5 Text anytime Ad ID:

Related products baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury: Very rare talking Indian ringneck
Indian ringneck with cage tame and talks. in Farnborough

Indian ringneck with cage tame and talks. in Farnborough

A tame and talking Indian ringneck with cage and toys. Joey says lots of words and wolf whistles. He will step up on anyone's hand and would not bite anyone. Joey loves to be out his cage and is used to other birds. New baby forces sale for me info or any questions please ask.

Indian ringneck male 1 year old Tame in Liverpool

Indian ringneck male 1 year old Tame in Liverpool

Green Indian ringneck male about 1 year old full ring on neck. Starting to talk and whistle. Step up and love to hang out with. Inbox if interested, can deliver

Related products baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury: Indian ringneck male 1 year old Tame in Liverpool
Indian ringneck male 1 year old Tame in Liverpool

Indian ringneck male 1 year old Tame in Liverpool

Green Indian ringneck male about 1 year old full ring on neck. Starting to talk and whistle. Step up and love to hang out with. Inbox if interested, can deliver

Lovely, talking, blue Indian ringneck parakeet

Lovely, talking, blue Indian ringneck parakeet

My 2 and a half year old Indian ringneck parakeet is for sale. He is called Enzo. He is a turquoise clear tail / blue mix. He has his hatch certificate and was purchased from a very experienced and reputable breeder in . He is closed rung, and has been DNA tested in Canada at birth, so we know he is definitely a male (plus it is obvious now, as he has a lovely black ring round his neck). He is very chatty and friendly. He says about phrases and various words, and can whistle, and can even whistle the tune of Jingle Bells (very seasonal for the current time of year! But he does it all year round!!) He does not bite and will happily sit on anyone. They do need a fair amount of time and attention, and the reason for me getting rid of him is that unfortunately I do not have the time to give him that he needs. I would therefore be looking to rehome him to someone ideally who has a love for birds and with some experience preferably, and also someone who has the time to spend with him. He has been a great companion for the past 2 and a half years, but I feel he will be happier in a new home with someone who can dedicate more time and attention to him. Please message me if you want more information or more pictures. Thanks for looking at this ad. Read More

Related products baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury: Lovely, talking, blue Indian ringneck parakeet
Semi Tame Talking Conure

Semi Tame Talking Conure

Hi I am selling my conure. It sometime take food from hand by anyone. With more time will be more tame and will come on hand. Does it at time and say the odd words. Read More

Semi Tame Young Ringneck

Semi Tame Young Ringneck

Hi I am selling my young Ringneck. It will step up onto a stick or on your hand with a glove on. It does not like to go on skin but with more time will get use to it.With more time will be fully tame and will talk. It is rung on leg to prove age. Read More

Related products baby semi tame talking indian ringneck in shaftesbury: Semi Tame Young Ringneck
Indian ringneck tame

Indian ringneck tame

Reluctant sale of my Blue indian ringneck. Hes very tame to me and sure hed take to anyone with treats within a couple of days. Only selling due to move an want him going to someone who has the time to spend with him as he loves interaction. He steps up,rings the bell,evan comes out with us to the park. Only a year old and dna tested as a male so his ring will.come in within the nxt 6 months to a year. Trying to speak but bit robotic with it lol. Never biten us!! If your looking for a bird as a companion with loads of potential,hes the one. Comes with large cage toys etc. Read more
