Assisted Dying: An Ethnographic Murder Mystery on Florida's
ISBN: , SKU: , AUTHOR: Nong>anong>da, Serena / Gregg, Joong>anong>, PUBLISHER: Altamira Press, ong>Assistedong> ong>Dyingong> is ong>anong> ong>ethnographicong>ally based ong>murderong> ong>mysteryong> that uses the unexplained deaths of elderly people on FloridaOs Gold Coast as a way of examining Americong>anong> cultural values. Diversity, immigration ong>anong>d the Americong>anong> Dream, aging, retirement, death, ong>anong>d ong>dyingong> are just some of the issues that are illuminated. Cultural ong>anong>thropologist Julie Normong>anong> is drawn deeper into the ong>mysteryong> when her aunt becomes the latest victim. JulieOs ong>ethnographicong> methodology ong>anong>d cultural perspectives, her previous involvement in a ong>murderong> case recounted in The Gift of a Bride: A Tale of ong>Anong>thropology, Matrimony ong>anong>d ong>Murderong>, along with the insights of Detective Mike Cardella ong>anong>d the Miami police department, all help to solve the ong>mysteryong>. ong>Assistedong> ong>Dyingong> engages students as a supplementary text to apply concepts from the social sciences, literature, ong>anong>d communications to issues of current interest in the United States ong>anong>d beyond. The novel is part of a popular movement toward using alternative ong>anong>d creative forms to convey academic information ong>anong>d concepts in the classroom. To further this aim, the social ong>anong>d cultural content of each chapter is extended in a bibliographic essay ong>anong>d discussion questions. This book will be welcomed in courses on cultural ong>anong>thropology, medical ong>anong>thropology, sociology, gerontology, Americong>anong> studies, psychology, gender, ethnic studies, ong>anong>d other social sciences.