Modified aquastart 500 with CO2 system fully stocked
Moving house in the next few months so I must regrettably part with my beautiful aquarium. Aquastart l) with heavily modified hood. Initially, there were going to be integrated LEDs for dawn/dusk and night light, but the power supplies didn't like it so I installed 3x white Interpet LED bars and 1x blue Interpet LED bar. They are permanently attached and waterproof. This brings the system up to medium-high light spec for plants. Due to these lights, the front lid needed to be removed. The aquarium is filtered by a Fluval 106 canister filter using Seachem Matrix filter media. The CO2 system uses an in-line diffuser on the filter intake to minimize bubbles in the display. There is a Rena in-line heater that functions as the filter intake from the tank and there is a horizontal spray bar for the return. A glass drop-checker is included. The CO2 system consists of a sodastream compatible dual gauge regulator, in-line bubble counter, and an UP inline diffuser. A spare sodastream canister is included. In the display, there is a 3D styrofoam rock wall affixed to the back and the substrate is Seachem Flourite.two major pieces of driftwood are attached to slate which is underneath the substrate. An unattached branch is also in the tank. The tank is currently home to about 20 wild green neon tetras, 15 mosquito rasbora, 2 neon green rasbora, and about 6 amano shrimp. There are a variety of red ramshorn snails which do a great job at keeping the algae off the glass and plants. There are a variety of plants in the tank which are very healthy and can often be seen gassing off oxygen under the quality lighting system. The tank has only ever used RO/DI filtered water with Tropic Marin re-mineral for ideal soft-water conditions which are natural for these fish. The system sits on a wooden cabinet not much larger than the tank itself. Included with this will be all additives, food, testing supplies (including digital pH meter), CO2 supplies, and electrics with digital timers. Asking £250 ono for the entire setup with inhabitants, completely ready to go. (fish, plants, and equipment were easily over £800 investment) For an additional £50, I will throw in the 150gpd RO/DI filter system complete with an unopened box of replacement filter media and a large bag of unused DI resin. Contact Chris my email if interested in more information Ad ID: