Cockapoo pups Chocolate and Gold/Apricot
We have 4 Chocolate and 4 Gold/Apricot. 5 females (2 gold reserved) and 3 males Our wonderful gold and lemon cocker spaniel has had a litter of 8 cockapoo puppies. Dad is our Miniature Chocolate Poodle who is just adorable. Mom is a very loyal and loving girl, being trained to the whistle, a very quick learner. She will pass these traits on to her puppies. Dad is just such an easy dog to have around, loves his cuddles but happy to chill out in the garden, the pups will inherit his charm and love of life. Both here to meet you. Mom has been dna tested clear for PRA and FN, Dad has been dna tested clear for PRA, copies to see when you visit and will be given on collection. Pups will be used to all household noises, being handled, brushed and claws cut. Pups will have first vaccination, be microchipped, wormed and flea/tick preventative treatment before leaving me at 8 weeks. 4 weeks free insurance will be arranged for collection of your pup. I don’t work so all my time is devoted to raising happy, healthy puppies. Experienced Cockapoo breeder and dog owner. Lifetime of advice is given if you need it. They are ready for their new homes on 22nd August £150 will reserve the pup of your choice. Call/email or text to arrange a viewing, now taking appointments. Read More