Acoustic Guitar Case by Protection Racket (Standard) - Solid & Robust case
This is a solid case to protect your acoustic guitar. Sellong>inong>g as I'm downsizong>inong>g to a much smaller ong>inong>strument. ong>Inong>fo about the case below. Collection from Widnes. ong>INong>FO: Protection Racket Acoustic Guitar Foam Case, Standard Details Lightweight yet sturdy, Protection Racket Acoustic Guitar cases feature a waterproof Racketex coverong>inong>g concealong>inong>g a rigid Rocket Foam structure to keep your guitar safe between gigs. Tough handles and zips ensure your guitar travels safely and easily wherever you go, and the built-ong>inong> luggage label means you'll always know which guitar is yours. Racketex - The Defender: High abrasion resistance 600 denier polyester. It won't fade, crack or shrong>inong>k. 100% waterproof high stability ong>inong> extreme climatic conditions. Rocket Foam: Rocket Foam™ is a Closed-cell foam and has a calculated degree of hardness determong>inong>ed by its density, between Kg/m³. It is strong enough to walk on without major distortion. Most of the cells or bubbles ong>inong> Rocket Foam are not broken; they resemble ong>inong>flated balloons piled together ong>inong> a compact configuration. This makes Rocket Foam strong and fairly rigid because the bubbles are strong enough to take a lot of pressure. Based ong>inong> Cornwall, Protection Racket made their name makong>inong>g protective bags for surfboards. Their experience of protectong>inong>g these fragile boards has song>inong>ce been transferred to protectong>inong>g musical ong>inong>struments. Their mission is simple: to provide the musicians of the world with transportation systems of the highest quality, that combong>inong>e effortless transportation and functionality with maximum protection, whatever the gig. Features/Specifications: -Waterproof Racketex coverong>inong>g -Sturdy Rocket Foam construction -Heavy duty, ong>inong>destructible zips -Satong>inong> fong>inong>ished, nickel-plated ong>inong>terlockong>inong>g zip pulleys -Handles made from kilo breakong>inong>g strength webbong>inong>g -Luggage label ong>inong>cluded Ad ID: