American bulldog pups for sale Johnson type
I have 7 beautiful pedigree Johnson american bulldog pups for sale, 3 girls and 4 boys. pups will not be ready to leave until 5th Dec. pups will be health checked, wormed, flea free have first vaccinations and come with blanket with mums scent. sire and dame can both be seen as they are both our family pets sire and dame have amazing temprements and are fantastic with our kids, pups will be brought up around our children dame has bi eyes one being blue one being brown, sire has light brown sandy eyes so looking forward to seeing what colour eyes pups turn out to have. pups can not be kc registered as American bulldog breeds are not recognised with the kennel club. £100 Will secure deposits. Female £650 * light brown with darker stripes and white * black and white * white and brindle Male £ x chocolate and white * white and bridle * black and white We was very lucky to have some of the rarer colours in this breed. NO TIME WASTERS! Read More