HUGE record collection MUST go!! in Sandbach
222+ records MOST genres. Including pop, rock, easy, oldies, country, some classic albums in there and some classical -and one or too a bit off the wong>allong> even for my taste, too. A reong>allong>y eclectic mix. They're far too numerous to list here so PLEASE Cong>ALLong> and I can send you a list of everything. Majority are in ong>goong>od to very ong>goong>od condition. Undoubtedly would suit record collector, boot sales, second hand record shop?? REong>ALLong>Y, reong>allong>y heavy. Offers invited in first instance please, BUT definitely ong>goong>t to sell as takes up way too much room, and having to scale down my own collection. (Also 45x 45rpm singles as a free bonus too!)