Alchemy England Maryam Theotokos Ring Cross Pendants
Price: £ Postage: £2.50 Or Collection. Alchemy England. Maryam Theotokos Ring Cross Pendants. "Mary, Mother of God" ring cross; a strange and secretive Orthodox-influenced pendant found in the 19th century, amongst the ruins of Coustaussa castle, Languedoc. It is impossibly encircled by a gold ring, inscribed within with 'Scutum arcana dei' - "I protect the secrets of god", and the reverse of the cross engraved with 'libera nos a malo' - "deliver us from evil" and 'sanguis aeternam' - "eternal blood". Theotokos is Greek for "Divine and human". A pewter gothic cross set with five Swarovski crystals and with a gold plated, crystallised ring around its intersection. Read more