Advanced Travel Technology System For Sale in Luton
Advanced technology system at the forefront of the travel industry is being offered for sale. Whether you are looking to start a new travel business, or you're an existing travel company looking to move forward in terms of an online platform suitable for both B2B and B2C, we have the bespoke solution for you where you will purchase 100% of the debt-free business. The company has been established for over 5 years with the technology developed over this period. The system's current products include worldwide hotels, flights, car hire, transfers and attractions, all of which are bookable online via multiple payment channels, with automated documentation sent to the client and/or travel agent. If you have your own tours or specialist product, then the technology can incorporate this into the live availability shown on the website. You can be as "hands-on" as you wish, as the site and technology is suitable for those wishing to be home-based, or as a valuable add-on for an already established travel company with single or multiple branches. The design of the site is also controlled by the technology and can be changed on an on-going basis by using the back-office part of the system enabling you to have full control over the look and layout of each landing page. The back-office is easy to use, and requires little or no IT skills. Technology currently pulls through from multiple and self-updating sources: - Worldwide airlines - Worldwide hotels - Worldwide car hire - Worldwide resort transfers - Worldwide attractions and excursions - Prices can be displayed in multiple currencies - Prices can be set at different commission levels for B2B business - Offer your own bookable product - Affiliate system to enable you to offer other travel agents your technology - Membership / log in facility - Newsletter sign up facility The domain name can be changed following purchase, and full training is available on all aspects of the technology, and site. Genuine reason for sale as the owner is looking to retire from the travel industry. He will, however, be happy to stay with the company to ensure a smooth transition.