Young Bristlenose plecos
Big Papa pleco has finally decided that he likes the coconut cave i made for him and went down to business.I now have a good number of young plecos roaming the tank for algae. Papa pleco is the normal black/grey variety. The mother is the orange/albino variety. Parents are not related so the children are not the spawn of hell and should be healthy and smart:) Bristlenose pleco is the only pleco variety that you should keep in an aquarium. They max out at 12cm size so they will be perfectly fine even in small tanks. Extremely hardy fish they are bomb proof, and perfectly safe for other fish and shrimp, they bother noone except they are little brutes and clumsy when it comes to eating. My fish live in heavily planted tanks. They are completely acclimated to london water and i don't do anything to change the PH of my water. If you get the younglings at these stage, they have similar size to otto's and they will constanlty clean the glass/plants/tank from algae till they get 1 year old. When older they clean algae less agressively. The younglings are the normal variety (not albinos in this batch). Selling them 3 pounds each. Photos are from the male (common variety) and mothers (albino variety) and last one is a youngling. (i also sell lots of other stuff: young platies, young bristlenose plecos, red cherry shrimps, amanos, sae, mts snails, plants...have a look on my other ads in a browser) (if you see the ad it is still available) Ad ID: