WELSH SEC C X COB in Market Drayton
Bailey is 14hh and 7years old he is up to date with teeth, vac and worming ect. He is very intelligent, quick to learn pony. He hacks alone and in company, has been previously shown and won many of his classes. He has a good confident jump, does not rush his fences,schools nicely, would do well in Dressage and looks very smart being a dun with 4 stockings and a blaze. He is barefoot, has good feet and easy to keep. He is good with traffic, great to catch, load, farrier and clip. He is a great all rounder and gets on well with all horses. He can be ridden by children or adults and is only for sale as my daughter is no longer interested and I do not have enough time for him myself. He is being sold from a professional yard with great facilities. £ ono comes with full quality leather wardrobe