CT AUCTIONS <strong>MOVESstrong> LEICS VENUE TO SAPCOTE <strong>CLUBstrong>, CT Auctions have linked up with the Sapcote <strong>Clubstrong> as their new base for the Leicestershire Antiques & Collectables Auction. We’ll be arriving in the village for the first time next Thursday, 30 July with our Antiques & Collectables Auction.'Put in Times' for antiques/collectables is 11 am - 2 pm, but please ensure you book articles in 1 week in advance. Viewing takes place 4 pm - 6 pm with the auction itself kicking off at 6! If interested in selling there’s a 10% commission fee for Buyers & Sellers plus an additional £1 for Sellers per sheet. Sellers are allowed 25 lots - so why not take a chance & see what you could make with those antiques/collectables hiding around your home, but make sure you book to guarantee your slot!The evening is great fun so do come along, you've nothing to lose as a Buyer, or Seller, and maybe even something to gain! In addition we’ll be holding a weekly prize raffle & whilst you browse around the lots you can also partake of refreshments from the bar and also a bite to eat! We look forward to seeing you at the new Sapcote venue & aim to make your evening an enjoyable one, oh & you don’t need to be a member to come! We’re also looking forward to a great working future with the Sapcote <strong>Clubstrong> team!For details contact Craig or Tracy: M. E. W. www.ct-auctions.co.uk, Leicester,.