6 foxfacerabbit fish marine

Full marine set up / marine fish tank - Juwel Rio 180

Full marine set up / marine fish tank - Juwel Rio 180

I am having to sell my full marine set up - The tank is a Juwel Rio 180 litres. Tank comes complete with sump, skimmer, heater, 2 x wave makers,light unit, yellow tang, 2 x clown fish, corals, mushrooms, live rock ect. I will be including all equiptment / extras including - RO unit, tds meter, test kit,salt, buckets ect. I have been running the tank on natural sea water but have half a bucket of salt included. Tank size is - l=101 x h=56 x w=41 cm (without unit). l=101 x h=128 x 51 cm (with unit & pipe work). Genuine reason for sale.Cheap set up at £350 ono Ad ID:

Kent Marine 94l Bioreef marine aquarium fish tank full set up

Kent Marine 94l Bioreef marine aquarium fish tank full set up

Kent Marine 94L Bioreef LED. Built in sump with live rock. Kent nano protein skimmer Deltatherm heater. Twin T5 compact fluorescents, 6 x 1 watt marine LED's and 4 x 0.5 watt blue LED's suitable for corals. About kgs of mature live rock. 3 green chromis 2 clown fish 2 pajama cardinals 1 firefish 1 blue cheeked goby 1 large blue legged hermit 1 small red legged hermit Refractometer and more. Ad ID:

Related products 6 foxfacerabbit fish marine: Kent Marine 94l Bioreef marine aquarium fish tank full set up
Marine tank for sale with marine fish

Marine tank for sale with marine fish

Marine salt water 209 liters tank with reactor uv steriliser vectra 600 one wave maker also brand new skimmer, all live rock live sand and corals also too v2 illuminating lamps and all fish.

Job lot Marine fish for sale - 8x Marine beauty's all babies and healthy -

Job lot Marine fish for sale - 8x Marine beauty's all babies and healthy -

8 Marine beauties great addition to a marine set up tank - All babies and in excellent health - Can take the tank water for free if needed foc - Selling as one as I don't want to split them up they have great personalities £110 for all of them - I am changing to Tropical tank which is reason for selling. Ad ID:

Kent Marine marine fish tank

Kent Marine marine fish tank

Fire shrimp, green goby, yellow Blenny and a ocean blue chromis, live rock with corals, heater, wave maker, all set up for a year and run on natural sea water. Ad ID:




Marine fish tank, corals fish for sale or swap with nano fish tank

Marine fish tank, corals fish for sale or swap with nano fish tank

For sale full marine set up. Corals, snail, red star fish and gobidae for extra cash.

marine fish tank 60ltr with live rock for sale also have 2 clown fish and puffer fish 4 sale

marine fish tank 60ltr with live rock for sale also have 2 clown fish and puffer fish 4 sale

marine fish tank 60ltr with live rock for sale also have 2 clown fish and puffer fish with tank £100 Ad ID:

Marine Fish Tank + Marine Animals + Whole Set Up - Selling The Set All Together or Individually.

Marine Fish Tank + Marine Animals + Whole Set Up - Selling The Set All Together or Individually.

It's an aquarium with some fishes and some other animals. The whole set up also involved. However the fish or part of the set can be bought separately, if you want to discuss an individual animal or technology and its price please contact me. The fish tank for sale. It's about 200 litres in size. Includes a shelf that holds it, in which things can also be put in. Measurements of the Tank: Width - 80cm Height - 70cm Depth - 42cm With this comes an outward filter with UV and protein skimmer. Has a halogen or a LED light. Includes a few kilograms of live rocks, coral sand (also have some sand dry if you want to add more). On the rocks there is some corals growing. There's also a big developing orange sponge that's also for sale. From the animals that are alive in the Tank, there are: A pair of clownfish Filefish Tuxedo Urchin Cleaner Shrimp Lobster (not sure what kind of lobster it is exactly because it makes tunnels underneath the sand so we don't see much of the lobster) Banded Brittle Starfish Sand Sifting Starfish Blue Starfish (very small, hard to spot a lot of the time) There's a few Snails and Hermit Crabs (at this point in time I'm struggling to count them correctly) I'm also including all the tests I have, such as a pH test, a thermometer and everything else that comes with the aquarium. I'm selling because I am not able to take care of this all professionally. If anyone's interested or wants more information or photos, please contact me, preferably through email and I'll be happy to oblige. Ad ID:

Marine fish tank with snowflake eel and hawk fish

Marine fish tank with snowflake eel and hawk fish

250 ltr all pond solutions Marine fish tank for sale with snowflake eel and hawk fish sold as seen white lights dont work think ballast knackered and skimmer tripping electrics think needs good clean selling due to no time Read more

Related products 6 foxfacerabbit fish marine: Marine fish tank with snowflake eel and hawk fish
Marine fish tank fish and corals will sell separate!!

Marine fish tank fish and corals will sell separate!!

LAST CHANCE TO GRAB A BARGIN!!! Fully working 350 Litre marine fish tank fish and corals complete with stand includes internel filter pump and heater..2 external filters..UV light to purify the water and also comes with the V2 ilumnair LED lights..Hydor wave maker fans assorment of fish including shrip,snails crab starfishes and bottom feeders..its a very expensive setup and selling at a big loss but needs sold as moving house if your interested please contact me for full details thanks..will sell fish separately if price is right.. Read More

Lion Fish Marine salt water tropical fish Tank aquaruims

Lion Fish Marine salt water tropical fish Tank aquaruims

Lion fish 4” Eating on flaks, live food, frozen. Pick up from Le4 £29 no offers !!

Related products 6 foxfacerabbit fish marine: Lion Fish Marine salt water tropical fish Tank aquaruims
Marine fish cream angle fish for sale bargain price

Marine fish cream angle fish for sale bargain price

Hi selling my marine fish cream angle fish for sale bargain price changing my fishes reason sale Ad ID:

Marine fish tank mature clowm fish and cleaner shrimp

Marine fish tank mature clowm fish and cleaner shrimp

Mature clown fish and large cleaner shrimp Ad ID:

Related products 6 foxfacerabbit fish marine: Marine fish tank mature clowm fish and cleaner shrimp
Marine Fish Tank + Filter + Fish + LED + Live Rock - Full

Marine Fish Tank + Filter + Fish + LED + Live Rock - Full

Bespoke Marine fish tank set up Comes with 6 fish (2 clowns / puffer / chromis / regal tang / royal gramma / plus one more) Lots of live rock plus a few crabs Has external All Pond Solutions filter 2 heaters 2 power heads white and blue LED lights 3 artificial brain corals 2 water contains complete set up - just add food tank size is 92cm wide x 37cm high x 31cm deep cabinet size is 101cm wide x 121cm high x 43cm deep £250 or offers

marine fish tank has been used for tropical fish

marine fish tank has been used for tropical fish

its a marine fish tank been used for tropical fish has everything with i.e filter, heater, if ur interested please message for picture Read More

Related products 6 foxfacerabbit fish marine: marine fish tank has been used for tropical fish
Marine fish tank fish and corals will sell separate!!

Marine fish tank fish and corals will sell separate!!

LAST CHANCE TO GRAB A BARGAIN!!!! Fully working 350 Litre marine fish tank fish and corals complete with stand includes internel filter pump and heater..2 external filters..UV light to purify the water and also comes with the V2 ilumnair LED lights..Hydor wave maker fans assorment of fish including shrip,snails crab starfishes and bottom feeders..its a very expensive setup and selling at a big loss but needs sold as moving house if your interested please contact me for full details thanks..will sell fish separately if price is right.. Read More

Black white clown Fish Nemo marine tropical reef fish

Black white clown Fish Nemo marine tropical reef fish

Black and with clown Fish m/l Marine Fish Eating on flaks, live food, frozen. Pick up from Le4 no offers !! NO TXT messages ! TXT Will be ignored £59

Related products 6 foxfacerabbit fish marine: Black white clown Fish Nemo marine tropical reef fish
60 litre marine fish tank and stand with fish

60 litre marine fish tank and stand with fish

60 litre marine fish tank comes with 2 clown fish 1 orange 1 black 2 damselfish 1 blue 1 humbug a few snails and hermit crabs, not sure how many live rock light skimmer filter some marine aquarium salt almost full tub of marine food 120 for quick sale Ad ID:

Marine fish tank comes with everything including fish

Marine fish tank comes with everything including fish

Marine fish tank comes with everything including fish Ad ID:

Related products 6 foxfacerabbit fish marine: Marine fish tank comes with everything including fish
Marine fish - Blue regal tang fish quick sell

Marine fish - Blue regal tang fish quick sell

Blue regal tang marine fish quick sell very healthy and good size £35 Ad ID:

Full marine fish tank including - 2 Clown fish

Full marine fish tank including - 2 Clown fish

Marine Fish Tank. 2 Clown fish (1 Male, 1 Female) Live rock in top and bottom of the tank. Protein Skimmer Eheim Pump and Heater Measurements: 65 Litre Top - 60cm x 33cm x 30cm 25 Litre Bottom (Filter) - 46cm x 26.5cm x 25.5cm Selling due to having little time to keep it maintained. Although, will make sure it is fully cleaned before sale. Read more

Related products 6 foxfacerabbit fish marine: Full marine fish tank including - 2 Clown fish
Marine fish aquarium, fish, food, live stone included

Marine fish aquarium, fish, food, live stone included

Really nice year old aquarium, comes with fish, frozen food, live stone, corals. Price nagociable Ad ID:

Large female clown fish and sidekick marine fish

Large female clown fish and sidekick marine fish

2 1/2 inch female peculiar clown and smaller sidekick, both 2 years old, paired but not mated. Must be in a tank without other clowns. Manningtree Essex Read More

Related products 6 foxfacerabbit fish marine: Large female clown fish and sidekick marine fish


