sheetrock paper faced metal, 2 x 50...
sheetrock paper faced metal, 2 x 50, sheetrock paper faced metal. 2 x 50 Pack BARGAIN NO VAT In the middle of one of the boxes there is a slight tear and so there is a slight risk that there may be some damage to four or five pieces. 2 x 50 Pack 2.44m x 20.6 x 20.6mm In a real-life house-to-house trial comparing bare metal to paper faced metal corner bead, USG Beadex® paper faced metal corner bead installed 38% faster than traditional metal bead. USG Beadex paper faced metal bead doesn’t require nails or screws, there is no risk of corner cracks. Increase productivity. Decrease your labor costs. And stop callbacks due to corner cracks. And don’t forget the other benefits, too: • Installs faster than bare metal bead. • Backed by a limited-lifetime, no-edge-crack warranty* for long-term performance. • Offers high-quality straight lines for interior architectural • Durable paper facing reduces paint-and-compound chipping. £, Bristol, .