5 pol hens just started laying

Crested Cream Legbar Pullets just started laying

Crested Cream Legbar Pullets just started laying

I have 2 Crested Cream Legbar Pullets £25 each Read more

Quail Girls-just started laying! Japanese, Chinese &

Quail Girls-just started laying! Japanese, Chinese &

Lovely selection of Quail Girls-just started laying! Japanese, Chinese & Italian. Also we have one Californian Quail Male-£35

Related products 5 pol hens just started laying: Quail Girls-just started laying! Japanese, Chinese &
pekin bantam pullets for sale. just started laying

pekin bantam pullets for sale. just started laying

Stunning selection of young pekin bantam pullets for sale, various colours available including lemon cuckoo, lavender, millefleur, black and blue mottled buff,buff columbine and red Currently 24 weeks old, free range and very healthy stock just started to lay Read more

white silkie hen just started laying in Bridgwater

white silkie hen just started laying in Bridgwater

she has just started laying,

Related products 5 pol hens just started laying: white silkie hen just started laying in Bridgwater
chickens nova brown just started laying in Huddersfield

chickens nova brown just started laying in Huddersfield

8 nova bown chickens have been laying for about 4 weeks they are about 20 weeks old £7 each or make an offer for them all Huddersfield

Five Lovey Healthy Pullets for sale (just started laying)

Five Lovey Healthy Pullets for sale (just started laying)

Five Pullets for sale. They new cross breed from leghorn and game birds.... Called Fen Fowl. The man that has been working on this has been doing this for 15 years... They make for light agile healthy birds.... They have just started laying... These are hatched by myself in incubator... We have too many birds right now so just selling the surplus.... They are super birds very curious great pets or to join your current flock.. easy going temperament but not docile... Selling for £10 each (£45 if you buy all 5) (I do have cockerels from the same hatch if required these are £8 each) Message/text me if you need any more info. Collection from Maxworthy... 10 miles north of Launceston Can deliver locally for a small fee. (you will need to pay in advance via Paypal before i will deliver) Read More

Related products 5 pol hens just started laying: Five Lovey Healthy Pullets for sale (just started laying)
Chicken coop and 3 chickens for sale just started laying in

Chicken coop and 3 chickens for sale just started laying in

3 month old new chicken coop. With 3 healthy chickens just started laying.

Pol and laying hens

Pol and laying hens

Amber stars and afew other breeds 5 months old. Just started laying. 15 pounds each

Related products 5 pol hens just started laying: Pol and laying hens
POL hens available ***laying***

POL hens available ***laying***

22 week old POL/already laying hens. Mixed Warrens, Bluebells, Speckledeys, White Stars, Blue layers. These have come from a hatchery so are vaccinated. please note, I have tried to highlight in the photos that some are feather pecked and missing tail feathers. These will grow back quickly. If you wish to purchase a specific type I will try my best. Currently have around 80 available. £4 each. Read More

Black Laying hens POL

Black Laying hens POL

Pol hens 2 Plymouth rocks £20 each Easy friendly girls Read more

Related products 5 pol hens just started laying: Black Laying hens POL
Brown laying hens POL

Brown laying hens POL

17 week old laying hens, laying small eggs already. Read more

Brown laying hens POL

Brown laying hens POL

20 week old laying hens, laying small eggs already. Read more

Related products 5 pol hens just started laying: Brown laying hens POL
Black Laying hens POL

Black Laying hens POL

6 Pol hens 2 copper black maran pure bred and 4 Plymouth rocks £20 each Read more

Laying hens chickens pol

Laying hens chickens pol

2 good hybrid laying hens for sale. No longer required as making room for breeding in the new year. Cheap laying hens that are laying at least one egg between them a day Read more

Related products 5 pol hens just started laying: Laying hens chickens pol
POL laying hens for sale

POL laying hens for sale

We have some lovely pol commercial laying hens for sale. Bluebells, Light Sussex, Black Rocks, Speckldys and warrens. All fully vaccinated and wormed. 20 weeks old. £14 each. call or . delivery can be arranged. Ad ID:

POL Laying Hens in Honiton

POL Laying Hens in Honiton

For sale is 50 laying laying hens. Mixes group of Rhode rock, blue murran, golden murans, Colombian black tail, light Sussex, silver Sussex, cuckoo Maran. All are POL. All are vaccinated.

Related products 5 pol hens just started laying: POL Laying Hens in Honiton
Laying hens pol ready now

Laying hens pol ready now

ISA brown laying hens, point of lay, 20 weeks old Fantastic laying chicken, lay a large brown egg Very friendly birds make great pets too Ad ID:

Laying hens POL Chickens for sale

Laying hens POL Chickens for sale

Chickens for sale, been in lay for a couple of weeks, large brown eggs. £8.50 each Ad ID:

Related products 5 pol hens just started laying: Laying hens POL Chickens for sale
Female laying hens nearly POL white leghorn

Female laying hens nearly POL white leghorn

This is my White leghorn cockerel known as 'son of' because I owned his father till a fox came along:-(Now he has a daughter available to you should you wish to buy her. She will lay beautiful white eggs and give you the run around should you try to pick her up! Vaccinated against Mareks disease and wormed get a bargain and qualify for discounted layers pellets too! Ad ID:

Old English game and laying hens pol

Old English game and laying hens pol

Pair of old English game very good quality birds £25 Brown laying hens in moult £5 each Brown laying pullers POL £10 each All free range birds If you can't get me your please leave a message and I'll get back to you Read More

Related products 5 pol hens just started laying: Old English game and laying hens pol
Laying hens large Fowl and Bantams POL

Laying hens large Fowl and Bantams POL

Various laying hens for sale prices from £18, coloured egg layers, green, blue, Marans leghorn light Sussex bluebell Pekin Silkie Andalusian hibris breeds Silkie cross etc Read More

Laying hens and pure breed chickens pol.

Laying hens and pure breed chickens pol.

We have a few laying pullets available.... a few light Sussex hybrids and some hybrid goldline layers We keep our birds free to roam and feed a non soya based feed Read More

Related products 5 pol hens just started laying: Laying hens and pure breed chickens pol.
Free range hens just started to lay breeds include cream leg

Free range hens just started to lay breeds include cream leg

Pure breeds and X breeds in lay hens free range light Sussex creamlegbar Barnvelder Black rock

POL,Young Laying hens, Chickens, Pullets, Hylines (TQ96)

POL,Young Laying hens, Chickens, Pullets, Hylines (TQ96)

Hy-line POL chickens, poultry coming into first laying season at 18 weeks old. Brown egg layer. £15 each (or £ each for 3+, £12 each 6 or more). Adaptable chicken for free range and other systems. Eggspectations 320+ in first season Vaccinated, wormed. Please bring suitable boxes/pet carriers Tags: Bovan, Warren, Isa, Lohmann, Shaver, Goldline, Gingernut, Star, Rhode, Maran, Sussex Read More

Related products 5 pol hens just started laying: POL,Young Laying hens, Chickens, Pullets, Hylines (TQ96)
POL,Young Laying hens, Chickens, Pullets,Bovans(TQ

POL,Young Laying hens, Chickens, Pullets,Bovans(TQ

Bovan Brown, 21 week old, POL, vaccinated, wormed chickens. (or £ each for 3 or more, £ each for 6+) Read More
