Kc Reg Fawn And Rich Fawn/apricot Pug Puppies in Sheffield
Our ong>beautifulong> girl has had her first litter of 3 ong>beautifulong> ong>puppiesong>. She has been absolutely brilliant and all the ong>puppiesong> are doing extremely well under the loving care of mum in a loving country family home. Mum can been seen and pictures from birth. Minature designer ong>pugong>s, these ong>puppiesong> have been home bred in our country family home,both mum & her parents are our family pets so you will be able to see 3 generations of our babies,all have excellent temperaments & are used to children & the madness of a family home. Mum is traditional ong>fawnong> and is very petite whilst dad has been hand picked to create ong>beautifulong> pup size,colour & temperament. He is white so ong>puppiesong> will carry the white gene. The ong>puppiesong> are ong>Kcong> ong>regong>istered & you will be given the opportunity to name you little man on his pedigree so he will have a kennel club ong>regong>istered name chosen by you & come with a 5 generation pedigree certificate, and 5 weeks free insurance, excellent bloodline from both sides, they are truly stunning and will make fantastic family pets, there are no restrictions on the paperwork, but I would prefer these pups to go as pets, rather than for breeding. Also I have mum & grand parents ong>kcong> certificates & pedigrees that can be seen.