4 Gorgeous Border Collie Pups
4 gorgeous Border Collie puppies for sale. 2 lovely girls and 2 sweet boys. Born on the 4th June, they will be ready to go in two weeks when they will be microchipped. Their mother is a loving and gentle household pet and their father is a handsome Stud. The pups have also grown up with their older brother who was kept behind from our last years litter. The puppies will be microchipped and will come with a puppy pack to start them off in their forever home. This will include: a soft blanket to give them a familiar scent of it's mom and siblings, a soft toy, a chew toy, a ball, a bag and can of change-over food, a food bowl, 2 puppy pads for the journey home and some doggy bags. Boys £550 Girls £650. Preferred text/emails as I can't always pick up. Viewings/meetings are very welcome. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any questions and I can also provide individual descriptions of the pups personalities and characters. Read More