Stunning Toy Poodle Pups For Sale. in Heanor
Two out of a litter of three beautiful Pedigree Toy Poodle Pups still for sale. One black girl and one black boy. Currently 4 weeks old and not ready to leave until 23rd January when they will be 8 weeks old. Both parents are KC REGISTERED Toy Poodle and dad is also PRA DNA CLEAR. Happy healthy puppies, they will come vet checked, flead and wormed up to date with their first vaccination and will also be microchipped. A supply of food and four weeks free PetPlan insurance is also included. Being weaned onto solids and paper training. This is mum's first litter and she is doing an incredible job raising her young. Mum has a fantastic temperament and lives nothing more than curling up on your knee for a cuddle. Poodles are low /non moulting so make fantastic pets for those with allergies. These puppies are being home reared here with us in our family environment with other pets and children. They are being handled daily with lots of love and affection. Viewings are now welcome and deposits being taken. Serious buyers only please and 5* forever homes for these beautiful babies. A £100 non refundable deposit is required to secure your pup. £750. Location Heanor, Derbyshire. Please feel free to call, txt or email me should you require any further information.