34 law books job lot

Law books (international law/ public law human rights / EU law)

Law books (international law/ public law human rights / EU law)

8pounds each, you can buy books separately (if you take 2 books it's 16pounds, and 3 books it's 24pounds) Almost new (few things highlighted). Books available: 2 copies Public Law and Human rights 2 International Law 2 EU LAW Afficher moins Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

cheap law books eu law constitutional public law administrative contract school uni

cheap law books eu law constitutional public law administrative contract school uni

Law books for sale - from 2 to 6 pounds - message me if you're interested! Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

cheap law books eu law constitutional public law administrative contract school uni

cheap law books eu law constitutional public law administrative contract school uni

Law books for sale - from 2 to 6 pounds - message me if youre interested! Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

GDL&LLB books: land law, EU, contract law and tort law

GDL&LLB books: land law, EU, contract law and tort law

5£ each, great condition Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products 34 law books job lot: GDL&LLB books: land law, EU, contract law and tort law


I have many many crates of books and LPs for sale as job lot. All subjects and genre, too many to list so offering them as job lot. Price negotiable and dependent on quantity taken. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Job lot 34 used landline phones mainly BT

Job lot 34 used landline phones mainly BT

Job lot of 34 phones straight from a hotel clearance, all should work fine but untested, mainly BT To arrange collection call Craig on ... (click to reveal full phone number)

Related products 34 law books job lot: Job lot 34 used landline phones mainly BT
Smart TV Job Lot - 34 TVs (Broken Screens)

Smart TV Job Lot - 34 TVs (Broken Screens)

34 TVs in their boxes with remote controls and some stands. All Smart TVs with broken screens. Good for repair parts. TOSHIBA 32 inches 32WD SAMSUNG 40 inches UE40KU SAMSUNG 40 inches UE40KU SAMSUNG 40 inches UE40KU SAMSUNG 40 inches UE40KU SAMSUNG 40 inches UE40KU LG 40 inches LG40UF770V LG 43 inches LG43UJ630V LG 43 inches LG43UJ630V LG 43 inches LG43UJ630V LG 43 inches LG43UJ630V LG 43 inches LG43UH603V LG 43 inches LG43UH603V LG 43 inches LG43UH603V SONY 48 inches KDL-48WD653 LG 49 inches LG49UH603V LG 49 inches LG49UH603V LG 49 inches LG49UH603V LG 49 inches LG49UJ630V LG 49 inches LG49UJ630V LG 49 inches LG49UJ630V LG 49 inches LG49UH630V LG 49 inches LG49UJ670V LG 49 inches LG49UH770V LG 49 inches LG49UH770V LG 49 inches LG49UH661V SONY 49 inches KDL-49WE663 PANASONIC 49 inches TX-49EX600B HISENSE 49 inches H49M HISENSE 50 inches LTDN50D6TUK SHARP 55 inches LC-55CFGK SHARP 55 inches LC-55SFEK GOODMANS 55 inches curved G55ANSMT-4K Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Law Books-Variaty of Law Books (Degree Level) Excellent Value All In Date or Very Recent

Law Books-Variaty of Law Books (Degree Level) Excellent Value All In Date or Very Recent

Variaty of Law Books perfect for anyone starting undergraduate law. Contains the major modules of contract, tort, criminal, EU and Land plus more. Worth far more than being sold for. Message with any queries.

books,job lot of books EL James, 3 books, very cheap, idea for gifts carboot,christmas,present

books,job lot of books EL James, 3 books, very cheap, idea for gifts carboot,christmas,present

fifty shades of grey, fifty shades of darker, fifty shades of freed idea for gifts very cheap just £4 for all 3 books they are in very good condition. collection only Ad ID: Delivery Services Consumer Credit

books,job lot of books EL James, 3 books, very cheap, idea for gifts carboot,christmas,present

books,job lot of books EL James, 3 books, very cheap, idea for gifts carboot,christmas,present

fifty shades of grey, fifty shades of darker, fifty shades of freed idea for gifts very cheap just £4 for all 3 books they are in very good condition. collection only Ad ID:

Fleece 34 m cloth job lot £50 per roll

Fleece 34 m cloth job lot £50 per roll

34m fleece Fleece 34 m cloth job lot £50 per roll. Posted by ryan in Other Goods, Hobbies, Interests & Collectibles in Galashiels. 27 April



Job lot of 34 house phones straight out of a hotel all should work but are untested, mainly bt phones Collection from Eastbourne East Sussex. Call Craig on Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products 34 law books job lot: JOB LOT HOUSE PHONES 34 IN TOTAL MOSTLY BT
Job lot 90+ books, car boot re sale lot

Job lot 90+ books, car boot re sale lot

Job lot of over 90 books. Suitable for car boots / re sale. Novels, factual, cookery. All good clean condition. Selling due to downsizing. Collection only. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Brand new boxed 34 Travel Mugs all branded job lot

Brand new boxed 34 Travel Mugs all branded job lot

All new and boxed. Just branded with logo. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products 34 law books job lot: Brand new boxed 34 Travel Mugs all branded job lot



Lot 3 job lot 12 bundle teenage childrens books paperbacks Michael Morpurgo

Lot 3 job lot 12 bundle teenage childrens books paperbacks Michael Morpurgo

JOb lot of 12 Michael Morpurgo books also selling: LOT 1 - £3 Lot LOT Lot Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Freemasonry; Lot with 14 law books, regulations, and related

Freemasonry; Lot with 14 law books, regulations, and related

The lot contains the following pieces:1. Aan het college van grootofficieren in Nederland en overz.'. gewesten, en aan de meesters-vrijmetselaren onder het Gr.'. O.'. der Nederl.'. etc. - without year [ pp. - stapled cover - 19 x 13 cm.In good condition. Provided with a simple cardboard cover. A piece regarding the revision of rituals.2. Kapittel De Rode Roos. Huishoudelijk reglement - without year [ pp. - Stapled cover - 20.5 x 14.5 cm.In good condiion.3. Reglement van den Opperraad van den drie-en-dertigsten en laatsten graad van den ouden en aangenomen schotschen ritus voor nederland, zijne koloniën en andere landen - pp. - Stapled cover - 22.5 x 14.5 cm.In reasonable condition. Pages somewhat discoloured.4. Statuten en huishoudelijk reglement van de Loge "De Morgenster" O.'. Alkmaar - without year - 21 pp. - Stapled cover - 21.5 x 15 cm. In reasonable condition. first flyleaf and possibly the title page were removed.5. Statuten van de Orde van Vrijmetselaren onder het Groot-Oosten der Nederlanden, ingevoerd 1 juli . Herdrukt in met de wijzigingen, aangenomen in de vergaderingen van het groot-oosten van en pp. - paperback - 21.5 x 13.5 cm. In mediocre condition. Worn spine, pencil scribble and stamp on the front page.6. Toelichting op het ontwerp grondwet voor de orde van vrijmetselaren onder het grootoosten der nederlanden - pp. - Stapled cover - 21.5 x 13.5 cm. In good condition.7. Verslag der commissie belast met het onderzoek der voorstellen tot wijziging der Algemeene Wet van het Groot-Oosten der Nederlanden, onderhoorige kolonien en landen - without year [ pp. - Stapled cover - 22 x 14.5 cm.In mediocre condition. The back cover is missing, though the text is complete. Pencil scribble, label, and stamp on the front page.8. Algemeene wet der Orde van Vrijmetselaars onder het grootoosten der nederlanden. Vastgesteld den 19den Juni pp. - paperback - 22 x 15 cm. - contains index. In reasonable condition. Stamp on the front page and title page, wear on the spine.9. De pligten, wetten of algemeene reglementen der vrye metzelaaren in een nieuwe order geschikt, en goedgekeurt by de groote loge der zeeven vereenigde neder-landen. Les devoirs, statuts ou regelemens generaux des francs maçons mis dans une nouvel ordre.... - Maçonnieke Stichting Ritus en Tempelbouw, pp. - paperback - 22.5 x 15 cm. In reasonable condition. It is in boeklon (transparent foil). Former (lodge) library book. Facsimile reprint of the edition from . Samenvatting van de wetgeving der orde en de besluiten van het hoofdbestuur der orde van vrijmetselaren onder het grootoosten der nederlanden - pp. - Stapled cover - 20.5 x 14.5 cm. In good condition. With about 5 ink underscores. 11. Grondwet voor de Orde van Vrijmetselaren onder het Grootoosten der Nederlanden. Ingevoerd 1 maart , herdrukt en pp. - hardcover - 22.5 x 15 cm. In good condition. Re-bound and provided with an extra (hard) cover, title written with pen. 12. Ordewetten ter uitvoering van verschillende artikelen der grondwet voor de Orde van Vrijmetselaren onder het Grootoosten der Nederlanden - pp. - Stapled cover - 20.5 x 13.5 cm. In good condition. Discoloured.13. Reglement ter uitvoering van de statuten van de Orde van Vrijmetselaren, ingevoerd 1 Juli pp. - Stapled cover - 23 x 15 cm. - contains index.In reasonable condition. Stamp, signature, label on front page.14. Wetboek der Hoge Graden van de Orde van Vrijmetselaren onder het Hoofdkapittel in Nederland, uitgave pp. - Stapled cover - 21.5 x 13.5 cm.In good condition.Registered shipping. Read More




Related products 34 law books job lot: MILLS AND BOON BOOKS - JOB LOT OF 33 BOOKS
Famous Five Children's Books job lot 19 books

Famous Five Children's Books job lot 19 books

Enid Blytons Famous Five job lot collection. 19 books in total. Please note some are missing- refer to photos for which books are included. Books in good condition. Ad ID: Delivery Services Consumer Credit

Rumpole!! - John Mortimer Books - Job lot 10x Hardback Books

Rumpole!! - John Mortimer Books - Job lot 10x Hardback Books

10x Hardback Books by John Mortimer - Rumpole!! Perfect for Rumpole fans Titles Rumpole on Trial Rumpole & the Penge Bungalow Murders The Anti-social behaviour of Horace Rumpole Rumpole & the Angel of Death Rumpole & the Primrose Path Rumpole rest his case Rumpole & the Reign of Terror Rumpole a la Carte Clinging to the Wreckage - a part of life Paradise postponed Buyer collects from Okehampton/Chagford Area Read More

Job lot books 60 different hardback and softback books

Job lot books 60 different hardback and softback books

I have variety of books Job lot for sale. The lot has got Fiction, non fiction psychology, science books etc All in nice readable condition Please check the photos for titles 60 books in total Read More

Job lot Children Literature Books (About 30 Books)

Job lot Children Literature Books (About 30 Books)

Job Lot of books, Soft & Hardback. Various different Writers & Subjects. (Enid Blyton, Harry Potter and other authors) About 30 books in total. Thanks Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products 34 law books job lot: Job lot Children Literature Books (About 30 Books)
Rumpole!! - John Mortimer Books - Job lot of 10x Hardback Books

Rumpole!! - John Mortimer Books - Job lot of 10x Hardback Books

10x Hardback Books by John Mortimer - Rumpole!! Perfect for Rumpole fans Titles Rumpole on Trial Rumpole & the Penge Bungalow Murders The Anti-social behaviour of Horace Rumpole Rumpole & the Angel of Death Rumpole & the Primrose Path Rumpole rest his case Rumpole & the Reign of Terror Rumpole a la Carte Clinging to the Wreckage - a part of life Paradise postponed Buyer collects from Okehampton/Chagford Area Ad ID: Delivery Services Consumer Credit

Job lot of Rainbow Magic books 70 books in total

Job lot of Rainbow Magic books 70 books in total

Job lot of Rainbow Magic books 70 books in total £20. Collection only from Romsey, not selling individually! Read more

Related products 34 law books job lot: Job lot of Rainbow Magic books 70 books in total
Various books - Job lot x 5 books - Can split listing

Various books - Job lot x 5 books - Can split listing

mixed book job lot. all vgc. various genres. 5 x books. Bridget jones, Simpsons, the weatherman, before I die. £1.25 a book if split. Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit
