Water bowls, hides and other animal items in Southampton
We've got a selection of items for sale including lots of water bowls (between £1.50 for 6" and £3 for 9"), smaller water bowls, heat mats (276 x watts £ x watts £ x watts £3). Habistat reptile radiator for sale, 75 watt, £30 (can post for cost of postage which is £w moonlight night glow bulb and a 25w night heat lamp. 42" uv solar reptil jungle strip light, 38 watt, 2%uv-a, 0.5%uv-b, comes with controller, £15. Fish tank grey/pink gravel, snake glove and Spray bottles. We got an 11" hide for £7, seven 9" hides at £6 each, a 7" at £5 and four 6" hides at £3 each, various slate, cork bark, three backgrounds:- 15" x 23" bamboo for £5, 13" x 23" brown brick effect for £2 and a 11" x " the polystyrene ExoTerra one for £1. Digital Scales £1.50 Can sell separately or open to offers on the whole lot. Collection from Calmore, SO40 2SF