2x complete Dell LATITUDE laptops 1GB RAM each, both will power on BARGAIN! sold as spares repairs
ong>2xong> ong>completeong> ong>Dellong> ong>LATITUDEong> ong>laptopsong> ong>1GBong> ong>RAMong> ong>eachong>, ong>bothong> ong>willong> ong>powerong> on BARGAIN! 2 ong>dellong> ong>latitudeong> ong>laptopsong>, seems ong>completeong> and I believe nothing apart of 1 hdd is missing from them. HDDs may need replacements OS seems corrupted. OS wont boot, can see post bios, and use F2 to get into BIOS etc... Recieved yesterday as part of joblot, surplus to requirements excellent visual condition, LCDs keyboards etc Ad ID: Delivery Services Consumer Credit