25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec

2.5ft fish tank with filter, heater, gravel and large plec

2.5ft fish tank with filter, heater, gravel and large plec

Selling my 2.5 ft tank with everything in it and my large plec. Filter, heater, gravel and tank ornaments come included. Plec is 7inches long and healthy. Selling due to needing the space back and having a busy toddler! Hood light bulb hasn't blew so that will need replaced. Looking for £30 for everything all together or can sell tank and plec separately. Any questions please ask. Thanks for looking Ad ID:

Aqua One fish Tank, Fluval Filter, Gravel,Heater and Fish

Aqua One fish Tank, Fluval Filter, Gravel,Heater and Fish

Aqua One AR620 Fish Tank (90 Litres) 65x52x39 CM. Comes with Aqua One Beech cabinet. External Fluval 205 Filter, Heater, Gravel. Also included are 3 Juvenile Severum Cichlids and 2 Male Bristlenose Ancistrus (Dwarf Plec). I also have a spare filter section for the tank if you wanted to use the inbuilt filter. All in good condition ready to go. Ad ID:

Related products 25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec: Aqua One fish Tank, Fluval Filter, Gravel,Heater and Fish
72l Juwel fish tank v g c and full set up with stand light heater filter lid gravel nice ornament

72l Juwel fish tank v g c and full set up with stand light heater filter lid gravel nice ornament

2 ft Juwel fish tank 72l very nice and v g c full set up all clean and all work all in pic 60 cm long x 50 cm hight x 40 cm deep with Stand Original light Original Juwel filter Juwel heater Lid Nice gravel Back ground pic Nice ornament look pic All work and all clean all in pic All for 60 pounds if u want all with out heater for gold fish 55 pounds Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks

Large fish tank with external filter and heater

Large fish tank with external filter and heater

Used but filter was only bought in September so still under guarantee full setup and cupboard included. Only selling due to moving house. Read More

Related products 25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec: Large fish tank with external filter and heater
28l aqua start fish tank v g c and full set up with light filter heater lid gravel nice ornament mor

28l aqua start fish tank v g c and full set up with light filter heater lid gravel nice ornament mor

28l aqua start 320 fish tank very nice and v g c full set up all work and all clean all in pic 1 ft x 1 ft x 1 ft with Original light Filter 50 watt heater Lid Nice white gravel Nice ornament look pic All work and all clean look pic All for 35 pounds if u want all with out heater for gold fish 30 pounds Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks

28l aqua start fish tank v g c and full set up with light heater filter lid gravel nice ornament mor

28l aqua start fish tank v g c and full set up with light heater filter lid gravel nice ornament mor

28l aqua start 320 fish tank very nice and v g c full set up and all work all clean all in pic 30 cm long x 37 cm hight x 30 cm deep with Original light Filter Heater Lid Gravel Nice ornament look pic All work and all clean All for 30 pounds if u want all with out heater for gold fish 25 pounds Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks

Related products 25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec: 28l aqua start fish tank v g c and full set up with light heater filter lid gravel nice ornament mor
28l aqua start fish tank v g c and full set up with light filter heater lid gravel ornament all work

28l aqua start fish tank v g c and full set up with light filter heater lid gravel ornament all work

28l aqua start 320 fish tank very nice and v g c full set up all work and all clean clean all in pic with Original light Filter Heater Lid Nice pink gravel Nice ornament All work and all clean all in pic All for 35 pounds if u want all with out heater for gold fish 30 pounds Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:

43l fish tank full set up with heater light filter lid gravel ornament all work and all clean

43l fish tank full set up with heater light filter lid gravel ornament all work and all clean

43l fish tank very nice and v g c full set up all work and all clean look pic over 1.5 ft long 50 cm long x 35 cm hight x 25 cm deep with T8 light Filter Heater Gravel Nice ornament Lid All work and all clean 35 tank and all if u want all with stand 45 pounds Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:

Related products 25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec: 43l fish tank full set up with heater light filter lid gravel ornament all work and all clean
2 ft fish tank 60l full set up with light filter heater lid gravel ornament all work and all in pic

2 ft fish tank 60l full set up with light filter heater lid gravel ornament all work and all in pic

2 ft fish tank 60l very nice and full set up all work and all clean all in pic 60 cm long x 40 cm hight x 30 cm deep with Original light Filter Heater Lid Nice green gravel Nice ornament look pic All work and all clean all in pic Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:

Fish tank from fish room 24x12x15h with gravel and filter

Fish tank from fish room 24x12x15h with gravel and filter

Hi there this advert is for one of the many fish tanks I have in my fish room, I'm moving house and down sizing the fish room so these tanks are up for sale. This one is a 2ft tank with gravel and under gravel filter, I would advise coming and looking at these tanks to make sure you are happy before you buy. I'm willing to deliver within 10mls for an extra £10 (per trip not tank) otherwise these will be cash on collection. Kindest regards Gary Read More

Related products 25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec: Fish tank from fish room 24x12x15h with gravel and filter
Sale: fish tank, fishes, gravel, oraments, filter, heater

Sale: fish tank, fishes, gravel, oraments, filter, heater

For sale: Fish tank: fits around fishes Fishes: different types Gravel: mix small colourful and big subtle Filter: brand new, works fine Heater: brand new, works fine Light: works fine Oraments: as shown in picture Tempreture: stick on outside Fish net Nemo magnet cleaner Water cleaning pump Fish food Fry net: for fish egg/babies Ad ID:

Fish tank from my fish room 24x12x12 with gravel and filter

Fish tank from my fish room 24x12x12 with gravel and filter

Hi there this advert is for one of the many fish tanks I have in my fish room, I'm moving house and down sizing the fish room so these tanks are up for sale. This one is a 2ft tank with grave and filter, I would advise coming and looking at these tanks to make sure you are happy before you buy. I'm willing to deliver within 10mls for an extra £10 (per trip not tank) otherwise these will be cash on collection. Kindest regards Gary Read More

Related products 25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec: Fish tank from my fish room 24x12x12 with gravel and filter
54 litre tropical fish tank with fish, filter, gravel and accessories

54 litre tropical fish tank with fish, filter, gravel and accessories

54 litre tropical fish tank with fish (2 Gourami, 1 Guppy, 7 Neons), filter, heater, lamp, gravel and accessories (plants, large bogwood piece, plastic bamboo ornament and coconut shell, food, spare filters and siphon). Good medium size aquarium, easy to clean etc. Collection only. Ad ID:

125l fluval Roma fish tank full set up with stand heater filter light gravel ornament lid more

125l fluval Roma fish tank full set up with stand heater filter light gravel ornament lid more

125l fluval Roma fish tank very nice and v g c ander 3 ft long 80 cm full set up all work and all clean all in pic 80 cm long x 50 cm hight x 36 cm deep with Stand Filter Heater Lid light Gravel All lid Nice ornament look pic All work and all clean all in pic Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:

Related products 25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec: 125l fluval Roma fish tank full set up with stand heater filter light gravel ornament lid more
125l fluval Roma fish tank full set up with stand heater filter light gravel ornament lid more

125l fluval Roma fish tank full set up with stand heater filter light gravel ornament lid more

125l fluval Roma fish tank very nice and v g c ander 3 ft long 80 cm full set up all work and all clean all in pic 80 cm long x 50 cm hight x 36 cm deep with Stand Filter Heater Lid light Gravel All lid Nice ornament look pic All work and all clean all in pic Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:

Fish tank with filter gravel and light

Fish tank with filter gravel and light

Lovely fish tank with filter lights and gravel Read More

Related products 25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec: Fish tank with filter gravel and light
190l Juwel corner fish tank full set up with stand filter heater 2x t5 light gravel ornament pump

190l Juwel corner fish tank full set up with stand filter heater 2x t5 light gravel ornament pump

190l Juwel corner fish tank very nice and full set up all clean and all work all in pic with Stand 2 x t5 light both work Juwel heater Juwel filter Pump Gravel All lid Nice ornament All work and all clean all in pic Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:

60l Juwel fish tank 2ft full set up with stand heater filter light lid gravel ornament all work

60l Juwel fish tank 2ft full set up with stand heater filter light lid gravel ornament all work

2ft long Juwel fish tank 60l very nice and full set up all clean and all work all in pic 60 cm long x 43 cm hight x 30 cm deep with Stand Juwel heater Juwel filter T8 light Lid Nice colour gravel look pic Nice ornament look pic All work and all clean all in pic Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:

Related products 25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec: 60l Juwel fish tank 2ft full set up with stand heater filter light lid gravel ornament all work
190l corner Juwel fish tank full set up with stand heater filter 2 t5 light gravel ornament more

190l corner Juwel fish tank full set up with stand heater filter 2 t5 light gravel ornament more

190l Juwel corner fish tank very nice and full set up all work and all clean all in pic with Stand 2 x t5 light both work blue and white 300 watt heater Filter Gravel Nice ornament look pic All lid Stand got some lettle damage but no bad look pic Can delivery 10 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:

125l fluval Roma fish tank full set up with stand light filter heater gravel lid ornament all work

125l fluval Roma fish tank full set up with stand light filter heater gravel lid ornament all work

125l fluval Roma fish tank ander 3 ft long 80 cm very nice and full set up all work and all clean all in pic 80 cm long x 50 cm hight x 35 cm deep with Stand Filter Heater Led light look pic v g c Gravel All lid nice ornament look pic Bag ground pic All work and all clean all in pic Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:

Related products 25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec: 125l fluval Roma fish tank full set up with stand light filter heater gravel lid ornament all work
180l Juwel bow front fish tank full set up with stand heater light filter all lid gravel ornament

180l Juwel bow front fish tank full set up with stand heater light filter all lid gravel ornament

3 ft Juwel bow front fish tank 180l very nice and full set up all work and all clean all in pic 90 cm long x 55 cm hight x30 cm deep with Stand Filter 200 watt heater 1 x t8 light with light unit look pic All lid Pump Gravel Nice ornament look pic All work and all clean all in pic Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:

125l Juwel fish tank full set up with stand filter heater light lid gravel nice ornament all work

125l Juwel fish tank full set up with stand filter heater light lid gravel nice ornament all work

125l Juwel fish tank ander 3 ft full set up very nice all clean and all work all in pic 80 cm x 45 cm x 30 cm with Stand 100 watt Juwel heater Nice big filter look pic Original light pink one look pic Nice gravel look pic Nice ornament All work and all clean all in pic Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:

Related products 25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec: 125l Juwel fish tank full set up with stand filter heater light lid gravel nice ornament all work
60l Juwel fish tank 2ft full set up with stand heater filter light lid gravel ornament all work

60l Juwel fish tank 2ft full set up with stand heater filter light lid gravel ornament all work

2ft long Juwel fish tank 60l very nice and full set up all clean and all work all in pic 60 cm long x 43 cm hight x 30 cm deep with Stand Juwel heater Juwel filter T8 light Lid Nice colour gravel look pic Nice ornament look pic All work and all clean all in pic Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:

72l Juwel fish tank full set up with stand heater filter light lid gravel nice ornament all work

72l Juwel fish tank full set up with stand heater filter light lid gravel nice ornament all work

2ft long Juwel fish tank v g c and very nice 72l full set up and all work all clean all in pic 60 cm long x 50 cm hight x 30 cm deep with Stand Original t8 light Juwel filter Juwel 100 watt heater Lid Gravel Nice ornament look pic All work and all clean all in pic All for 65 pounds if u want all with out heater for gold fish 60 pounds Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks

Related products 25ft fish tank with filter heater gravel and large plec: 72l Juwel fish tank full set up with stand heater filter light lid gravel nice ornament all work
115l Juwel fish tank full set up with stand filter heater light nice gravel ornament lid all work

115l Juwel fish tank full set up with stand filter heater light nice gravel ornament lid all work

115l Juwel fish tank ander 3 ft 80 cm long very nice and v g c full set up all clean and all work all in pic 80 cm wide x 45 cm hight x 30 cm deep with Stand 100 watt Juwel heater 1 x white t8 light Big filter look pic Nice gravel Nice ornament look pic All clean and all work Can delivery 5 pounds if you live in Plymouth U can text or call thanks Ad ID:
