Sea of Sand: A History of Great Sand Dunes National Park and
Sculpted into graceful contours by countless centuries ong>ong>ofong>ong> wind ong>andong> water,the Great ong>Song>andong>ong> Dunes sprawl along the eastern fringes ong>ong>ofong>ong> the vast San Luis Valley ong>ong>ofong>ong> south-central Colorado. Cong>overong>ing an area ong>ong>ofong>ong> nearly thirty square miles,they are the tallest aeolian,or wind-produced,dunes in North America,towering 750 feet above the valley floor. With the addition ong>ong>ofong>ong> the enormous Baca Ranch ong>andong> other adjacent long>andong>s,the dunesoriginally designated as a National Monument in attained ong>ong>ofong>ong>ficial Nation