20 x billy idol generation x vinyls lps 12

Kodak Picture Paper 6 x 4 (10 x 15) Glossy x 20 Sheets

Kodak Picture Paper 6 x 4 (10 x 15) Glossy x 20 Sheets

7x Brand New & Fresh packs of 20 Sheets of Kodak 6 x 4 (10cmx15cm) Glossy picture paper. This paper is Double Sided, medium-weight, quick drying, long lasting, smudge free, 190 g/m microns. Works on all inket printers incl. HP, epson, Canon, Lexmark. £2.5/pack or £15 for 7 packs Read more

Premium Quality circular saw blade; 160 X 20 X 60Z X 1.8

Premium Quality circular saw blade; 160 X 20 X 60Z X 1.8

English: 160mm X 20mm Bore X 60 teeth X 1.8mm Kerf: For use in small hand held circular saws (mains & cordless). Ideal for cross cutting only solid woods (hard & soft), M.D.F, plywood & chipboard (particle board). It's high number of teeth & negative hook angle ensures a clean process into material, it's thin kerf makes it an ideal candidate for cordless machines & it's H10 carbide ensures a long service life. Suited for processing plastic sheets (up to 6mm thick), laminated boards, plywood & M.D.F, This blade is only suited for cross cutting timber & board materials, quality of cut: fine. Come & visit us at: ToolsConsumables. Deutsch: 160mm x 20mm Bohrung x 60 Zhne X 1,8 mm Schnittbreite: Fr den Einsatz in kleinen Handkreissgen (Netz & schnurlos). Ideal zum Querschneiden nur Massivhlzer (hart & weiche), M.D.F, Sperrholz und Spanplatten (Spanplatte). Geeignet fr platten Verarbeitung Kunststoff (mit einer Dicke bis 6 mm), Schichtstoffplatten, Sperrholz & M.D.F Es ist hchste Anzahl der Zhne und negativem Spanwinkel einen sauberen Prozess in Material sorgt, ist es dnn Kerbe ihn zu einem idealen Kandidaten fr schnurlose Maschinen macht und es ist H10 Metall eine lange Lebensdauer gewhrleistet. dieses klinge is fur zum Querschneiden geeignet nur Holz und Plattenwerkstoffe, Schnittqualitt ist in Ordnung. Maximale Schnitttiefe: 55mm. Kommen & besuchen Sie unsere Website unter ToolsConsumables. Fran§ais: 160 mm X 20mm alsage x 60 dents X 1.8mm trait de scie: Pour utilisation dans les petites scies circulaires portatives (rseau et sans fil). Uniquement pour coupe transversale dans bois massif (dur & tendre), M.D.F, contreplaqu et l'agglomr (panneaux de particules). Son grand nombre de dents et son angle d'attaque ngatif assure un processus Trs soign dans matriau, sa saigne fine en fait un candidat idal pour les machines sans fil et son carbure H10 assure une longue dure de vie. Adapt pour le traitement des feuilles de plastique (jusqu' 6 mm d'paisseur), panneaux stratifis, le contreplaqu et M.D.F, Cette lame est seulement adapt pour les matriaux de coupe de bois transversale, qualit de coupe trs propre & prcise. Coupe de profondeur maximale: 55MM. Venez nous visiter sur ToolsConsumables. Nederlands: 160mm x 20mm Bohrung x 60 Zhne X 1,8 mm Maaibreedte: (Cordless Power &) voor gebruik in kleine draagbare cirkelzagen. Ideaal voor transversale alleen massief hout (hard en zacht), M.D.F, multiplex en spaanplaat (spaanplaat). Geschikt voor borden verwerking van kunststof (met een dikte tot 6 mm), gelamineerde panelen, multiplex & MDF Het is hoog aantal tanden en een negatieve haak hoek zorgt voor een schone proces in materiaal, het is dun notch maakt het een ideale kandidaat voor draadloze machines en zorgt voor een lange levensduur H10 metal. dit zwaard is voor cross-cutting alleen geschikt hout en plaatmaterialen, snijden kwaliteit is prima. Maximale diepte van de snede: 55mm. Kom en bezoek onze site op ToolsConsumables.

Related products 20 x billy idol generation x vinyls lps 12: Premium Quality circular saw blade; 160 X 20 X 60Z X 1.8
Premium Quality circular saw blade; 160 X 20 X 36Z X 1.8

Premium Quality circular saw blade; 160 X 20 X 36Z X 1.8

English: 160mm X 20mm Bore X 36 teeth X 1.8mm Kerf: For use in small hand held circular saws (mains & cordless). Ideal for rip & cross cutting solid woods (hard & soft), M.D.F, plywood & chipboard (particle board). It's low number of teeth & positive hook angle ensures a fast process into material, it's thin kerf makes it an ideal candidate for cordless machines. thick H10 carbide ensures a long service life. This blade is ideally suited for ripping lengths of timber & board materials, quality of cut is medium. Come & visit us at: ToolsConsumables. Deutsch: 160mm x 20mm Bohrung x 36 Zhne X 1,8 mm Schnittbreite: Fr den Einsatz in kleinen Handkreissgen (Netz & schnurlos). Ideal fr rip Schneiden Massivhlzer (Hart & Weich), M.D.F, Sperrholz und Spanplatten (Spanplatte). Es ist dnn Kerbe macht es zu einem idealen Kandidaten fr schnurlose Gerte. Es ist niedrig Anzahl der Zhne und positive Spanwinkel einen schnellen Prozess in Material sorgt und dicke H10 Metall Gewhrleistet eine lange Lebensdauer. Diese Klinge ist ideal geeignet fr Holzlngen -Plattenmaterialien Rippen, Schnittqualitt ist mittelgro. Kommen & besuchen Sie unsere Website unter ToolsConsumables. Fran§ais: 160 mm X 20mm alsage X 36 dents X 1,8 mm trait de scie: Pour une utilisation dans de petites scies circulaires portatives. Idal pour dlignage aussi bien que coupe transversale dans bois massif (dur & tendre), M.D.F, O.S.B, le contreplaqu et les panneaux de particules (agglomr). Son mince trait de scie en fait un candidat idal pour les appareils sans fil. Son faible nombre de dents avec un angle de coupe positif assure un processus rapide dans le matriau. L'pais carbure H10 assure une longue dure de vie. Cette lame est idalle pour dlignage ainsi que coupe transversale, la qualit de coupe est moyenne en coupe transversale mais suprieure en coupe en long. Profondeur de coupe:55mm. Venez nous visiter sur ToolsConsumables. 160 mm x 20 mm boring x 36 tanden X 1.8mm kerf: Voor gebruik in kleine cirkelzagen (netwerk en draadloos). Ideaal voor het snijden lang (rand) massief hout (hard en zacht), M.D.F, multiplex en spaanplaat (spaanplaat). Het kleine aantal tanden en positieve spaanhoek zorgt voor een snelle proces in de zaak, dik carbide H10 dik zorgt voor een lange levensduur. Dit blad is ideaal voor delignages houten materialen en snij de kwaliteit is gemiddeld. Maximale diepte van de snede: 55mm. Kom en bezoek onze site op ToolsConsumables.

Premium Quality circular saw blade; 160 X 20 X 60Z X 1.8

Premium Quality circular saw blade; 160 X 20 X 60Z X 1.8

160mm X 20mm Bore X 60 teeth X 1.8mm Kerf: For use in small hand held circular saws (mains & cordless). Ideal for cross cutting only solid woods (hard & soft), M.D.F, plywood & chipboard (particle board). It's high number of teeth & negative hook angle ensures a clean process into material, it's thin kerf makes it an ideal candidate for cordless machines & it's H10 carbide ensures a long service life. Suited for processing plastic sheets (up to 6mm thick), laminated boards, plywood & M.D.F, This blade is only suited for cross cutting timber & board materials, quality of cut: fine. Come & visit us at: ToolsConsumables.Com Festool circular saw depicted for illustrative purposes.

Related products 20 x billy idol generation x vinyls lps 12: Premium Quality circular saw blade; 160 X 20 X 60Z X 1.8
The trigan Empire 30 x-sc-20 x first Edition-10 x reprint

The trigan Empire 30 x-sc-20 x first Edition-10 x reprint

The trigan Empire takes place on the distant planet electon in the Yama-system. This series is about "the battle for Trigan Empire".30 x sc the Trigan Empire. 20 x first edition; 10 x reprint. Publisher Oberon (1 x Big Balloon)In Don Lawrence Storm was at its best; but the Trigan Empire, however, is very nicely drawn. Starting from section 22 are other artists than Lawrence at the series involved.The books are sent by registered mail with PostNL. To Belgium, France, Spain and Luxembourg will be shipped with Kiala. The books can also be picked up from the seller in Koog aan de Zaan. Read More

ikea billy bookcase. 202 x 40 x 28cm. Adjustable shelves. In good condition.

ikea billy bookcase. 202 x 40 x 28cm. Adjustable shelves. In good condition.

ikea billy bookcase. 202 x 40 x 28cm. Adjustable shelves. In good condition. 202cm height 40cm width 28cm depth You can inspect before you decide to buy. Can be delivered for cost of petrol Collection is welcome. Just phone me to arrange Jay

Related products 20 x billy idol generation x vinyls lps 12: ikea billy bookcase. 202 x 40 x 28cm. Adjustable shelves. In good condition.
12 x slate plates - £20

12 x slate plates - £20

12 x slate plates only used once - £20 Read More

20" X 12" marquee Used

20" X 12" marquee Used

This is a white party marquee, used for fairs, I have sold books from it, it has a lot of life let in it. Read More

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In very good condition, comes complete with 4 eye caps, Case, and instructions. Wide angle 314ft at yds £15 for quick sale Read more



In very good condition, comes complete with 4 eye caps, Case, and instructions. Wide angle 314ft at yds £9.95 for quick sale Read more

Related products 20 x billy idol generation x vinyls lps 12: COMMODORE BINOCULARS 12 x 20


In very good condition, comes complete with 4 eye caps, Case, and instructions. Wide angle 314ft at yds £12 Read more



In very good condition, comes complete with 4 eye caps, Case, and instructions. Wide angle 314ft at yds Read more

Related products 20 x billy idol generation x vinyls lps 12: COMMODORE BINOCULARS 12 x 20


In very good condition, comes complete with 4 eye caps, Case, and instructions. Wide angle 314ft at yds £15 for quick sale Read More

Ikea billy bookcase, h202cm x w40cm x d28cm. 2 adjustable shelves, In very good condition.

Ikea billy bookcase, h202cm x w40cm x d28cm. 2 adjustable shelves, In very good condition.

Ikea billy bookcase, h202cm x w40cm x d28cm. 2 adjustable shelves, In very good condition. still sold in ikea stores for £45 You can carry out any inspection of it before you decide to buy it. Can be delivered if required for cost of petrol. Collection is welcome. Just call me to arrange Jay Ad ID: Delivery Services Consumer Credit

Related products 20 x billy idol generation x vinyls lps 12: Ikea billy bookcase, h202cm x w40cm x d28cm. 2 adjustable shelves, In very good condition.
ikea billy bookcase. oak vaneer, 202 x 40 x 28cm. Adjustable shelves. In good condition.

ikea billy bookcase. oak vaneer, 202 x 40 x 28cm. Adjustable shelves. In good condition.

ikea billy bookcase. oak vaneer, 202 x 40 x 28cm. Adjustable shelves. In good condition. 202cm height 40cm width 28cm depth You can inspect before you decide to buy. Can be delivered for cost of petrol Collection is welcome. Just phone me to arrange Jay

3 x Bedside tables, 1 x brown (£20) and 2 x white (£15 each) v.good condition

3 x Bedside tables, 1 x brown (£20) and 2 x white (£15 each) v.good condition

3 x Bedside tables, 1 x brown (£20) and 2 x white (£15 each) v.good condition. Collection from RG12 9NF. The brown one is in the picture next to the sofa! White tables (approx) dimensions (cm) 58cm(h) x 35cm(w) x 30cm(d) Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

Related products 20 x billy idol generation x vinyls lps 12: 3 x Bedside tables, 1 x brown (£20) and 2 x white (£15 each) v.good condition
PURPOSE MDF BOARD 12 X  X MM x 4 available

PURPOSE MDF BOARD 12 X X MM x 4 available

PURPOSE MDF BOARD 12 X X MM x 4 available MDF Board 12mm x x mm full size sheets - originally from Covers Timber Merchant. Good Quality per sheet - 4 available Read More

PURPOSE MDF BOARD 12 X  X MM x 4 sheets

PURPOSE MDF BOARD 12 X X MM x 4 sheets

12mm MDF x mm board x 4 sheets at £ per sheet. collection only Read More

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12 x Lengths of 3.6m x 144mm x 27mm good quality softwood decking

12 x Lengths of 3.6m x 144mm x 27mm good quality softwood decking

Hi I over ordered the decking we required and have 12 x lengths left. The decking was bought from S&J Wackett and is Q-Deck Canterbury Decking. Google it for details. It is £7.02 / length not including VAT Full price including VAT for this bundle would be £101. Willing to accept £70 and you need to collect. I will throw in a bag of decking screws for the buyer (enough to screw this lot down). The decking is very decent quality and can be laid with the ridge side up or smooth side up. Located in Hackney. Thanks Ad ID: Delivery Service Consumer Credit

2 x Star Trek: Next Generation Novels and 1 x SeaQuest DSV Novel

2 x Star Trek: Next Generation Novels and 1 x SeaQuest DSV Novel

Two hardback Star Trek: Next Generation novels and one hardback SeaQuest DSV novel. All in very good condition, no damage. If contacting by phone, please call after 6.00pm.

Related products 20 x billy idol generation x vinyls lps 12: 2 x Star Trek: Next Generation Novels and 1 x SeaQuest DSV Novel
Generation-X annuals '. X-Men, Marvel

Generation-X annuals '. X-Men, Marvel

Generation X. X-Men comics Good condition £1+ £2 pp Read more

Generation-X annuals '. X-Men, Marvel

Generation-X annuals '. X-Men, Marvel

Generation X. X-Men comics Good condition £2 + £2 pp. Near offers will be considered Read More

Related products 20 x billy idol generation x vinyls lps 12: Generation-X annuals '. X-Men, Marvel
Generation-X annuals '. X-Men, Marvel

Generation-X annuals '. X-Men, Marvel

Generation X. X-Men comics Good condition £1+ £2 pp Read More

The sky above Brussels and others 12 x hc-sc-12 x

The sky above Brussels and others 12 x hc-sc-12 x

24 beautiful albums most of which are in new condition.The sky above Brussels 1 & 2hc, absolute mint conditionSiegfried part 1 hc, absolute mint conditionAguirre hc, new conditionDragger 1 & 2 hc, in good condition, books are beautiful, however a little sleetOn the way to Banlung, hc in absolute mint conditionGringos Locos abslute hc in new conditionThe samples of the Gallagher, almost new condition.Hondse Lust, hc in good conditionOf village wege sc, new conditionThe unthinkable Prince, 1 & 2 hc, new conditionThe ijstrein, bosliefje, the friends of Igor steiner, Libertarian intermezzo and the 4 books of Hugo Pratt are in good/almost new conditionMano Mano and sc, new conditionVeerman among the stars, new condition Read More

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24" x 12" x 12" Glass Fish Tank and Stand Good Condition

24" x 12" x 12" Glass Fish Tank and Stand Good Condition

24" x 12" x 12" Glass fish tank and stand. Includes hood and light. Pickup only. Read More
