American x Bullmastiff Puppies
We have 4 Girls left out of a litter of 10 that were born on the 29th May & are strong as little ox's. They'll be ready to be viewed from the 10th July & will be ready to leave from the 24th July. They will be microchipped, fully inoculated wormed & flead. They will be fed on the best diet available & brought up in a loving home with children, so they will be used to them from day one. Dad is half Johnson American Bulldog half Bullmastiff, 8st cool & laid back, fine with other animals (unless they're not fine with him) very strong & healthy & a good watch dog. Mum is full American Bulldog Scott & Johnson hybrid 6st. She's extremely protective of the family & the home & the cars & the pups & just about everything, outstanding guard dog but still very good around children. I own the Mum & Dad, so they can both be seen when you view the puppies. I want these dogs to go to good homes as she is only having one litter & if I'm not happy with the person or their circumstances I won't sell them to you. If you're thinking about coming to try & steal one, save yourself the bother as you won't get out of the door! We have decided to do the puppies cheap as that way we have the luxury of being able to pick & choose who we sell them to as this is about the dogs getting the right homes, not getting an extra hundred odd pounds on top for each one. Read More