2 Sky+ HD boxes, each coming with a remote, 2 leads, and an On Demand Wireless Connector
ong>Boxong> on the Left/3rd image- ong>Skyong>+ ong>HDong> ong>boxong> (quite good condition) with remote, both cables needed to run the ong>boxong> (ong>HDong>MI ong>ong>anong>dong> power cables), ong>ong>anong>dong> a ong>Skyong> On Demong>ong>anong>dong> Wireless Connector ong>Boxong>, all in good condition. ong>Boxong> on the Right/2nd Image- The ong>boxong> has recently been refurbished, so is in exceptional condition. Everything else is in very good condition also. Again, this ong>boxong> comes with a remote, both leads ong>ong>anong>dong> the ong>Skyong> On Demong>ong>anong>dong> Wireless Connector MINI ong>Boxong> (the same as the first Wireless Connector, only smaller). Cong>anong> be sold separately. Please feel free to message me with ong>anong>y queries. -Ellie