2 male rats free to good home

Male Rats Wanted*free to good home*

Male Rats Wanted*free to good home*

Hi there, I have had rats has pets for about 10 years,I currently have two boys that need two friends,if you have two that need a loving home then do get in touch... Thanks Christian Read More

4 male rats free to good home

4 male rats free to good home

Due to personal circumstances I'm having to unexpectedly have to part with my boys they are all Dumbo's,and one is a dumbo Rex,orange hooded,agouti hooded, black with white feet and black hooded,all friendly and tame,please no time wasters or nasty comments..sorry no cage!!!! Ad ID:

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4 male rats free to good home

4 male rats free to good home

4 young boys need a new home,can go together or in pairs,agouti hooded,champagne hooded,blue and a black one, free to good homes or can come with large cage for Ā£20 Ad ID:

Young male rats free to good home

Young male rats free to good home

1 blue hooded,1 blue with white paws and 1 mainly white with black patches on face,friendly and don't bite,no cage and collection only Ad ID:

Related products 2 male rats free to good home: Young male rats free to good home
Two male rats free to good home

Two male rats free to good home

Two male rats free to good home, they have Rex fur, one more dumbo than the other, they are happy to be handled, must go and stay together they've always been together. 4 months old Read More

Two male rats free to good home

Two male rats free to good home

Two male rats separate cages free to good home if intrested please call

Related products 2 male rats free to good home: Two male rats free to good home
Two male rats - free to good home.

Two male rats - free to good home.

Will be adding better photo asap - Harry (left) is one of the two similar coloured rats mentioned in this ad. Have large group of rats - 2 have been adopted recently and have shown signs of more and more aggressive behaviour towards any weaker, older rats. Have had to house them separately as they have been too much trouble. Can't keep them in their own cage forever due to lack of space. Really need them gone asap. Ad ID:

Two male rats free to good home

Two male rats free to good home

Two male rats free to good home both must go together ones 6 month ones a year old contact me anytime Read More

Related products 2 male rats free to good home: Two male rats free to good home
3 male rats free to good home

3 male rats free to good home

3 male rats two rowans and a Berkshire free to good home not snake food can be shy until they get to know you Ad ID:

2 freindly male rats and cageĀ£60 [or just the rats free to loving home]

2 freindly male rats and cageĀ£60 [or just the rats free to loving home]

rehoming as there driving my female rats made very freindly never bitten cage is 6ft liberta happy house comes with all thay need its on a stand with wheels that comes off will fit in estate car rats are used to coming out to play every day we turn the cage in front of the dining table and fill the table with boxes and toys and they come in and out as they please one of then licks and grooms your hand they take treats from you and climb all over you when out only had a few weeks they are lovely boys and only a rat loving home please rats are free to good home or Ā£60 with cage and setup as cost me hundreds so no offers Ad ID:

Free to good home 4 male fancy rats.

Free to good home 4 male fancy rats.

Free to good home fancy rat pack of 4 males just over 3 months old, all living happily together.. will separate. Very friendly. Giving away because they are just about fully grown now. And everyone wants the cute little freshly weened babies.. these beautiful boys deserve a happy life too. So if you can prove you want them as pets. I.E. pic of rat home. Then please reply to this add. Thanks for reading this add. Reptile nation Brighton Read More

3 male rats free to good home in Sale

3 male rats free to good home in Sale

Hi I have 3 male rats that need rehoming 2 are 2 years old and 1 is nearly a year old. Free to good home must collect no cage it's just the 3 rats contact me anytime

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UPDATE, they do snatch through bars and have drawn blood through bars but they come up to the bars to greet you now, they walk on your hand to take food also. They are getting better:) I got 2 female rats from Pets at home recently and was ready to take them on whatever challenge faced me. But the other day during socialising them, they bit my dad and drew blood. The roan dumbo girl (grey) is more curious and even acts friendly when you're not in the cage. The black hooded standard ear girl is terrified. As soon as your hands in the cage they are scared of your hand. This is due to pets at home chasing them around the cage with their hands all their life:(that's the only interaction with humans they've had. Rats hardly ever bite unless they really think we are going to hurt them. I wanted to spend all my time on them but with all my other rats I just don't have the time to tame such terrified rats. Poor things, they need to be understood and slowly shown care and trust. I wish I had the time for that. Please remember they are extremely scared and unhandlable.. Not as other pets food. Pet home only. Thank you for your time. Read More



I got 2 female rats from Pets at home recently and was ready to take them on whatever challenge faced me. But the other day during socialising them, they bit my dad and drew blood. The roan dumbo girl (grey) is more curious and even acts friendly when you're not in the cage. The black hooded standard ear girl is terrified. As soon as your hands in the cage they are scared of your hand. This is due to pets at home chasing them around the cage with their hands all their life:(that's the only interaction with humans they've had. Rats hardly ever bite unless they really think we are going to hurt them. I wanted to spend all my time on them but with all my other rats I just don't have the time to tame such terrified rats. Poor things, they need to be understood and slowly shown care and trust. I wish I had the time for that. Please remember they are extremely scared and unhandlable. They are free but only to a good home. Not as other pets food. Pet home only. Thank you for your time. Read More

Related products 2 male rats free to good home: 2 Female Rats FREE TO GOOD HOME
2 female rats FREE TO GOOD HOME

2 female rats FREE TO GOOD HOME

I got 2 female rats from Pets at home recently and was ready to take them on whatever challenge faced me. But the other day during socialising them, they bit my dad and drew blood. The roan dumbo girl (grey) is more curious and even acts friendly when you're not in the cage. The black hooded standard ear girl is terrified. As soon as your hands in the cage they are scared of your hand. This is due to pets at home chasing them around the cage with their hands all their life:(that's the only interaction with humans they've had. Rats hardly ever bite unless they really think we are going to hurt them. I wanted to spend all my time on them but with all my other rats I just don't have the time to tame such terrified rats. Poor things, they need to be understood and slowly shown care and trust. I wish I had the time for that. Please remember they are extremely scared and unhandlable. They are free but only to a good home. Not as other pets food. Pet home only. Thank you for your time. Ad ID:

2 pet rats free to good home

2 pet rats free to good home

Two gentle handled rats free to a good home unfortunately we have had to move and we cannot take them with us, these are pet rats not snake food. Ad ID:

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2 Degu Rats free to a good home

2 Degu Rats free to a good home

We have 2 Degu Rats (Ant and Dec) that need re-homing. Very friendly and have all the equipment, food and gear to last for months including a large steel cage worth over Ā£200. Free to a genuine good home Read More

Free to good home female rats x 2

Free to good home female rats x 2

Mother and daughter rats free to good home, mother is not tame she does try and nip but baby is very time has never bitten me due to continuous handling Must go together, no cage just the rats Collection only Ad ID:

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2 female rats free to a good home

2 female rats free to a good home

Looking for a new home for my 2 sweet natured female rats, they are both 6 months old and have been hand reared from babies, unfortunately my partner is allergic to them, this is the reason I'm looking for a new home for them. Both are extremely tame and handled regularly. Read More

2 pet rats free to a good home

2 pet rats free to a good home

Hello, I am giving away 2 pet rats for free to a good home as I bought these for my girlfriend but we don't have the time to look after them, they are clean, intelligent and love human company. The colour of them is shown in the picture above. Please contact me by either text or phone call on Thanks Conor Ad ID:

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rats 2 females free to good home in Grimsby

rats 2 females free to good home in Grimsby

I have got 2 females. They r looking for a new home. Not for snake food. Free to good home only. Pick up only Read more

2 female rats with cage free to a good home

2 female rats with cage free to a good home

I run a rodent and exotic animal rescue and have two beautiful female rats for sale with their cage. Both have wonderful personalities and are in perfect health after coming to me in rough shape. as soon as they spot someone near their cage they run towards the doors for a cuddle. One is a silver fawn with red eyes and the smaller one is a ginger/redhooded also with red eyes they come with their cage, food, waters bottles and everything else belonging to them. Currently fed on science selective and cunipic. Feel free to contact me and ask for more pictures of these two girlies if you wish:) They have been together since birth so i will be not selling them separately. Ad ID:

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4 rats 2 females and 2 males free to good home in Grimsby

4 rats 2 females and 2 males free to good home in Grimsby

I have got 2 males and 2 females. They r looking for a new home. Not for snake food. Free to good home only. Pick up only Read more

2 male rats & cage & accessories free to a very loving home

2 male rats & cage & accessories free to a very loving home

2 male rats, 1 Dumbo eared ("Barklie" the white 1) & 1 blue (name "Blue"). I simply do not have the time for them and feel terrible that they don't have time out of the cage or any fun, they are a year old, Blue is much better at being handled than Barklie, Barklie can be a bit grumpy on occasion, he has bitten me twice in a year but only when I have been cleaning the cage out & he is frightened. They both enjoy free running time out of the cage and climbing all over you. I really don't want to give them up but I feel it is best for them, only genuine loving previous or current rat owners who will have time and space for them to live proper exciting lives as they rarely get out of the cage now. If I am happy that you are genuine I only ask for a donation (and to cover my fuel if you need me to drop off) the cage is 3 layer Blenheim which I got 2nd hand but it had only been used for 2 months & 1 rat previously, cost me Ā£50, I have a large bale of compacted shredded cardboard, cost me Ā£25, 1 pack of shredded paper bedding, 2 sputniks & 2 hammock houses, 1 litter corner tray and numerous toys, will provide any food I have left over (at least 1 packet) Ad ID:

Related products 2 male rats free to good home: 2 male rats & cage & accessories free to a very loving home
Male Rats Needing Good Home - Free

Male Rats Needing Good Home - Free

I've got 3 Rats that need a new home. All 3 are just over a year old. One has been neutered (grey). All 3 are really friendly and have never bitten me or my partner, they love coming out of their cage daily to climb all over you and get some treats and tickles. Would really prefer to keep all 3 together if possible. Will require pictures of the cage you would be keeping them in, as they are used to a big cage and I want to ensure they are going to get that at their new home. Number: Ad ID:
