2 Tortoise and full set up
Unfortunately, due to my partner moving in and him having a cat, I am looking to re-home my gorgeous boys, Ant & Dec. They are 7 years old and have lived together since being born. I re-homed them when they were 3 so have had them for 4 years now with no issues. The set up includes a tortoise table, heat lamp and food bowls. These two really are a pair of characters and will want to ensure they go to a good home. Sadly, because of the cat, I've had to tape the top of the table for now as the cat was showing too much of an interest in them and also, I am now not able to have them out as I did before. They like a bath in a shallow bowl of water once a week and enjoy most salad items, rose petals and dandilions with the odd strawberry as a treat. Read More