750mgĀ Ā CAPSULESCREATINE ETYL ESTER QUALITY SUPPLEMENTS FROM PRO-BODY DESCRIPTION CAPSULES SUPPLIED IN TAMPER SEALED FOIL LINED PACKETS RESEALABLE FOR GUARANTEED FRESHNES YES-THESE ARE THE POSTBOX SIZE PACKETS SO NO TRIPS TO THE POST OFFICE What is Creatine Ethyl Ester? Creatine Ethyl Ester HCL (CEE) is creatine monohydrate with an ester attached. Where Does The Esterification Process Come From? Esters are organic compounds that are formed by esterification - the reaction of carboxylic acid and alcohols. What Are The Benefits of Esterification? The esterification process dramatically improves the bioavailability of the creatine molecule. By super-sizing the benefits of creatine supplementation and greatly down-sizing all of the negatives of creatine monohydrate use (such as bloating, cramping, and possibly harmful waste by-products, the performance of the athlete can be greatly enhanced and taken to the very next level. Nearly everybody knows that regular creatine monohydrate has been shown effective at increasing lean muscle mass, muscle strength and athletic performance. The overall effectiveness of monohydrate use is dependant upon the cells ability to absorb it. The poor absorption rate of regular creatine monohydrate requires the creatine user to ingest large dosages of creatine to achieve desired effect. Because creatine draws water to the cell, and because most ingested creatine monohydrate is not absorbed, unabsorbed creatine will sit outside of the target cell with the water, and this will result in the "creatine bloat." This is one of the most famous and least desired side effects of original monohydrate use. RECOMENDED DOSAGE for best resultsĀ take2 x capsules 2 times daily